


Can anyone suggest a low glycemic load, low sugar diet?

Question by Semilancholy: Can anyone suggest a low glycemic load, low sugar diet?
Background info: Glycemic Index measures the rate of the effect that carbohydrates have on blood sugars level. High means carbohydrates break down fast and release glucose quickly into bloodstream. Low means it is more gradual.

I haven’t noticed how high my glycemic diet is (just so you know, that is bad). I want a change in my eating habits because I’ve read that it leads to weight loss. ALSO I have read in a recent study a month ago that confirmed that milk and sugar (both of which I eat almost regularly) causes acne and a low glycemic load, low sugar diet is the way to go. So yeah. Just so you know, I am asian and my people tends to like to eat white rice, white bread, and floury products; all of those are high up on the list.

If you got nothing then at least list some foods that have a low glycemic index and/or low sugar please.

Here is the link to the study if people are interested. The first paragraph sure is affirming to all the acne sufferers out there. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-mark-hyman/do-milk-and-sugar-cause-a_b_822163.html

Best answer:

Answer by Tron
The simpler the carbohydrate ie. sugar, the higher the Glycemic Index (GI). if you only want to lower the GI of the food you eat just take in some fat with it. If your concerned with hyperglycemia after eating rice or white bread just eat some fat with it. This lowers you GI and will delay gastric emptying. So as far as foods with a low GI: anything with a high % of fat. Hope that helps.

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Yes, Kristen’s Raw Diet: healthy eats recipes review website just showcases the kind of healthy eats that one can prepare at ease, especially the raw food choices that are both healthy and suited for a healthier and wellness lifestyle.

Also, dont you forget to detox to cleanse your body for well being.

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