


How I Became Gluten Free

Updated Video HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwiAwDdC_oA&feature=c4-overview&list=UUnj26i4gZMzrMr7DnOJC0bw This video shares how I realized I was glute…
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  1. Kate Dides says:

    @himynameisbia Bullshit. You can absolutely be allergic to gluten.

  2. Karen Valkyrie says:

    oats have gluten

  3. Fayla SummerSong says:

    You said you had a blood test but did you have a biopsy of the villi in
    your intestines? If they are flat you would have it. You need to have
    more tests then just a blood test. It is best to know if you are 100% or
    not and without the biopsy you could be hurting your body more than you
    know. If you don’t know for sure and you fudge here and there it will
    continue to destroy your intestines. it takes 7yrs to heal your
    intestines. The reason you are not able to eat oatmeal is because unless it
    says Certified Gluten Free it has been processed in a factory with wheat
    contaminate. Kombucha Mama is the foremost authority on Komucha and you
    can make it at home (I do).

  4. celialurvsunicorns says:

    You Are so lucky u are gluten intolerant and don’t have celiac!!

  5. Steve Molloy says:

    You’re cute :)

  6. Morgan Adams says:

    If your on the gluten free diet when you get the blood test the blood test
    will come back negative the only way to truly diagnose celiacs is a upper

  7. CircaOG7 says:

    Also, make sure to use aluminum foil for the toaster oven (if you have
    tapioca flour or any other kind of gluten free bread), because if you are
    really sensitive to it and your roommates use that same toaster oven: Watch

  8. Zsanett Tabacsár says:

    Wooow Thank you for this. I had stomach pain for many years and my Doctor
    use to say it is about stress… I also had allergia test negative..I have
    tried so many things to found out what is my problem. Is not easy to live
    this way. Thank you for this chanel.

  9. Peter A Edwards says:

    Eating natural foods, rather the processed foods is a better lifestyle.
    Having been in and out of hospital with continuous chest infections, I
    asked to be tested for Ceoliac Disease. Since then people have commented on
    the difference they have noticed. You video is great and really does hit
    the nail on the head. It is nice to know that you do not get ill all the
    time. Some gluten free food is horrible, and also more expensive.

  10. Robert Ferguson says:

    This is really great stuff! I just realized I’m gluten intolerant, myself.
    I noticed even after watching my sodium and potassium intake, drinking a
    lot of water and exercising a lot, that I still have bloating. I am
    experiencing brain fog, lethargy, gas and itching, too! So to confirm this,
    I’m gonna try to cut down on gluten, to see what happens. Thanks!

  11. aLittleLiana says:

    i have Coeliac disease and have been gluten free for 2 years (i found out
    when i was 13)it took about 8 months from my first doctors appointment to
    find out and every doctor said that they thought there was no way i am
    gluten free and then they did a biopsy and the test came back positive
    :'(…….p.s. oats do have gluten, gluten is wheat,rye,barley and oats,
    however you can get gluten free oats but there really hard to find 🙂

  12. vlogwithkendra says:

    thanks so much, it was new to me when i filmed this, i will do an updated
    one soon

  13. SickTalent says:

    is ok is aight i got sumthin that u gon like

  14. LavenderLites says:

    just subbed keep up with videos =)

  15. KARIE L says:


  16. TheDiet Myth says:

    Kendra, I think you did a wonderful job with this video. The fact is that
    the number of people who are gluten intolerant is quite overwhelming. Just
    today there was a new report that estimated the number of people negatively
    effected by gluten at 20 million in the USA alone. Dr. Hyman, a top doc in
    the field, estimates that as many as 70% of all Americans are gluten
    sensitive. The harmful effects range from major weight gain to skin and
    digestion issues and inflamation. Keep up the good work!

  17. vlogwithkendra says:

    check the info box! i did an updated one!

  18. 22Ranou says:

    what is your weight please?

  19. Brielee13 says:

    I love this video! I am very interested in working out and nutrition, but I
    am not gluten free! As far as Whey Protein, you should try and buy the Whey
    Protein Isolate… its going to be more expensive however, its less
    processed and better for your body! Also, if you are looking for something
    similar to pasta you should try quinoa! It looks sorta like couscous
    however, its pure protein!

  20. William Carr says:

    For months my stomach felt like I’d been drinking icewater all day. It was
    because the irritation I was used to was subsiding leaving me feeling cold.

  21. Jessica Day says:

    Common oatmeal is actually processed in a way that makes it not completely
    gluten free.. you can get oatmeal that is specifically gluten free. I got
    mine at Trader Joe’s.

  22. vlogwithkendra says:

    you get used to it after a while!

  23. Brittany Shaw says:

    My son has eczema and we know he is allergic to milk and eggs for sure. A
    friend of mine suggested we take gluten out his diet. So we’re going to try
    to dump gluten for a while and see if his skin gets better. Hope it works!!

  24. William Carr says:

    Stop all bread and pasta for two weeks, then go back. If you feel terribly
    sick, you’re positive for gluten intolerance.

  25. vlogwithkendra says:

    thank you!

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