


Q&A: What exactly is “eating healthy”?

Question by DeeJayvee*: What exactly is “eating healthy”?
When I think of eating healthy I think fruits and vegetables and salads and it feels like im trapped and don’t have much variaty in what I can eat.
You know what I mean?

Best answer:

Answer by Marlos San Carlos
eat girly foods, like avavado or fruit

What do you think? Answer below!

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  1. WhyDoesItAlwaysHappenToMe? says:

    Healthy eating means including the above foods in your diet everyday alongside eating pasta and rice dishes and meats and breads, cereals etc. The trick is variety and moderation, and not smearing everything with a lot of butter/sauces/salt/sugar.
    Think of mexican foods that are really healthy and good for you… They are packed with beans, tomatoes, corn taco’s/tortillas, capsicums and plenty of healthy spices.
    Think fresh chinese style foods – packed with vegies and flavoured with soy/sweet/sour/fish type sauces. They are great to make for yourself stir fry style in a wok. You can control how much sugar and salt you add alongside some yummy healthy sauces.
    Think seafood – you dont have to add much to make it tasty – some side dishes vegie based or some oven fried chips or a huge interesting salad with not just lettuce leaves but all sorts of herbs and radish and nuts mixed in.
    Spaghetti itself is not bad for you – it is the choice of sauce that can be bad for you.
    Make yourself a healthy homemade pizza…
    Spice up your meals with variety. And unless you are a coeliac or gluten intolerant eat heaps of fresh wholemeal and mulitgrain breads… (Go lightly with margarine or butter….YUM……….

  2. Anthony says:

    VERY good question. Your question begs the question – For what goal?

    For a fat loss goal: People often make the mistake of confusing “eating healthy food items” with “eating for fat loss” When “most” people set out to lose some body fat, they swear up and down they are eating healthy. But when I look more closely at their daily menus it’s apparent they are just “eating healthy food sources”. Like, yogurt for breakfast + salad for lunch + apple for snack + chicken/broccoli for dinner. Ok. fine. Healthy things. But hardly a diet that will encourage our body to lose stored fat.

    So, to kinda get back to your question, it depends on what your goal is.

    Eating for fat loss in a healthy manner would look slightly different than eating in a healthy manner to maintain your bodyweight. Which will look different than eating in a healthy manner to gain muscle.

    Basically, for all 3 goals, the protein and fat sources remain the same:

    Protein: eggs, chicken, tuna, salmon, white fish, turkey, whey protein powder

    Fat: almonds, cashews, all natural peanut butter, avacado, extra virgin olive oil, fish oil capsules, evening primrose capsules

    It’s the CARB choices that would change depending on the goal.

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