


What is good healthy food for brain ?

Question by geberie: What is good healthy food for brain ?
Is it true that eating healthy food is good for your brain and help you remember: for instance if you are studying for exams? If so what are those healthy and good food?

Best answer:

Answer by Ur Go To Guy

– Your Go To Guy

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Ginkgo Biloba. Available in supplements, leaves extract and fresh from many Chinese groceries stores;
benefit for brain, dementia, memory, side effects, Alzheimer’s disease.

Ginkgo Biloba with Vinpocetine

Another thing is to stop using aluminium cookwares because aluminiun releases chemicals reaction with heated foods that will affect your mental abilty.

Check out also the kinds of fruits and berries for detoxification

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  1. bizzy says:


  2. John C says:

    Fish (oily/fatty).

    I think there are a lot of foods that are suggested to help with concentration. I’m sure I read somewhere bananas before exams help.

    Healthy food (slow releasing carbohydrates for breakfast with fruit juice for example) is surely better for concentration than a sugar crash after having a pack of chocolate digestives and a coke before an exam.

  3. servant4god@sbcglobal.net says:

    Water is the best food for your brain. Stay away caffeine and anything that has sugar/raw.

    Eat fruits and vegetables, frozen is better than canned. For protein yams, and peanut butter. Eat your heavy meal during the morning, and anything involves eating red meat, pork, and chicken. For lunch eat yor carbs this will give you energy and help you degest any of the stored meat from morning. Rice is a starch but include this also at lunch. You can eat more vegetables in the evening for this will give you the right vitamines needed for restoration of your body when you are sleeping. These vitamines are also good for your skin, and eyes, not to metion everyting else in your body.

    Exercise by taking walks in the morning, and in the evening, this is good for mental and physical health.

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