


Q&A: how to make healthy food for kids ? i was suffering because of this?

Question by Mark l.: how to make healthy food for kids ? i was suffering because of this?
My son is hard to eat when he ate certain foods that are less healthy eating such as ready meals. I am a housewife can not cook I always buy food outside the home such as ready meals. Have you experienced problems like mine. how to overcome these problems to be able to make healthy food for children and my family. although I have a lot of learning to cook healthy food but no way more effective and simple to me. Please help me with your the best answer and your personal experience.

Best answer:

Answer by Ivy has Twin Boys!
You can microwave healthy foods.

Tofu, rotisserie chicken from the store, frozen veggies, whole wheat bread, cheese… all very healthy and require only cutting and/or microwaving.

Baking is easy. Just turn on oven, place food in oven, remove food, turn off oven. Ta Da!

Eggs are healthy and easy. So is whole wheat pasta.

You can get a cook book too if you want, but if you just cut and microwave food there are still tons of healthy choices.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Find all the healthy ingredients in terms of healthy wholesome foods that are of low glycemic, low carbs and high fibers and let the kids cook and prepare the foods together with you
that way, the kids will tend to eat the foods that they are involved in making, if not cooking.

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  1. Jenna says:

    Mixed nuts are a great snack (cashews, walnuts, almonds)
    Trail mix (nuts, dried fruit like cranberries or raisins, pretzels, maybe a bit of dark chocolate)
    String cheese
    Hardboiled eggs
    Yogurt and granola (www.yocrunch.com has some great, lowfat kind)
    Melba toast and peanut butter
    Rice cakes and Nutella
    Assorted veggies and hummus (red pepper or garlic kinds are delicious)
    Fruit and cottage cheese
    Pita chips
    Fruit smoothie using ice, yogurt and mixed fruit.

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