


Q&A: Can we agree that healthy women who get abortions shouldn’t be mothers anyway?

Question by : Can we agree that healthy women who get abortions shouldn’t be mothers anyway?

Angel – stop projecting. I asked the question I asked, not the examples you put forward.

Best answer:

Answer by Rainbow Pridey
Yeah, if there’s anything that’s not fun it’s having parents who don’t want you.

Give your answer to this question below!

Anything away from mother nature is not healthy, hence unfit mother-to-be for abortion.
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  1. micky m says:

    i say let them do it it is a good way to keep the liberal baby killers in check lets face it the less they breed the better off we all are

  2. Angel says:

    No. Do not agree.

    Are you saying that a healthy woman with children who cannot afford another child and has an abortion should have their kids taken away?

    Are you saying that a healthy woman who cannot afford a child now and has an abortion should not be allowed to have children if they can afford them in the future?

    I think these issues are between the woman and her doctor, and is certainly not any of my business or anyone else’s business.

    Re: Angel – stop projecting. I asked the question I asked, not the examples you put forward.

    Aye. Aye, Bossman, anything else you want me to reply? I thought you asked questions to get the answers. Sorry, I don’t fit your format.

  3. Resident Barry says:

    rationalization and sour grapes.

  4. Gwennie B says:

    Dude, no.

    Most of the women who get abortions are ALREADY mothers- 61%, in fact.

  5. ActivityCone996 says:

    What does having an abortion have to do with being a mother?

    Most women seeking abortions in the U.S are already single mothers anyways.

  6. Man who loves savings. And pie. says:

    Any woman who gets an abortion out of convenience should have their uterus removed, period.

  7. Cybi says:

    As if every healthy woman is in the position to raise a child? Nope.

  8. pidpit says:

    To Angel:
    Maybe is ‘said women’ women would either keep legs closed or use contraceptives, this wouldn’t be an issue in the first place. Whatever happened to personal responsibility which didn’t end up with a child getting murdered in the process? Oh yeah,..I said that evil work..’murder.

    Previous poster-if 61% of women who’ve had abortions are already mothers, I’m glad to represent the other 39 percent. 4 kids and no abortions, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.’

  9. october skies says:

    i believe for every abortion a woman has, an egg must be given up.

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