


Nutrition & Healthy Eating : Facts About Vitamin A

Vitamin A can be found in plant foods, specifically orange and red foods, as well as organic butter, cream and fish oils, and this vitamin is a key factor in healthy vision and bones. Find vitamin A-rich foods with health information from a registered dietitian and licensed nutritionist in this free video on healthy eating.

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  1. dgls05 says:

    i think 10000 IU

  2. dgls05 says:

    Vitamin A isn’t really good for your bones.. that’s why you get vitamin A&D combination so you can protect the bones if you take it as supplements….. and the foods you talked about were helpful to bones because they are rich in calcium, not because of vitamin A.. they just work together to make each other stronger… not the other way around

  3. Jazz08181 says:

    what about vitamin A toxicity with Cod liver oil. How much vitamin A before it becomes toxic?

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