


I Eat 20 Bananas A Day On Extreme Healthy Fruit Diet Reaction

Follow Loni Jane on Instagram http://instagram.com/lonijane/ The mass media are really giving this fruitarian vegan diet some coverage!! 🙂 ‘I eat 20 bananas…
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  1. Krystle Martin says:

    “The health expert is fucking overweight”. And also in her 50s, with
    flawless skin and beautiful teeth, compared to a young woman half her age
    with a body type that looks borderline anorexic. You can NOT tell a
    person’s health by looking at how much they way. I have seen women 20-30
    pounds “overweight” and be a picture of health, and thin girls have severe
    deficiencies. Both of these women can be healthy, but not because of their
    weight. The thing is, you don’t see EITHER of these blood tests, and yet
    you claim to know their health?? A vegan diet CAN be healthy, a paleo diet
    CAN be healthy, a whole food diet CAN be healthy – if done right, and if
    the diet is balanced. Eating 20-30 bananas a day? That is NOT done right,
    that is NOT balanced. Variety is the spice of life, and variety is key to a
    healthy, balanced diet. I have to say, at least the “fat” nutritionist
    isn’t making YouTube videos just to completely slam another person that she
    has never met…When your videos are all “fuck this, fuck that, you’re
    fucking wrong, you’re fucking fat”, you really blow your credibility.

  2. John Rambo says:

    Shes slim because she’s young. We all were. Lets see her when she’s 45. She
    will weigh 259 pounds.

  3. Megan C says:

    My doctor actually said a vegan diet is very healthy as long as you eat a
    balanced about or nuts/beans fruits and veggies. you just have to monitor

  4. Jenn X says:

    You look like you’re in your mid fifties.. If I’m gonna look like that in
    10 or 20 yrs just by eating fruit, I think I will avoid it.

  5. raw food slamming says:

    carb the fuck up!

  6. Rhiannon Smith says:

    lol. you never fail to crack me up. good shit! 

  7. Michael Ghandi says:

    can someone tell me if theres a spreadsheet of this whole veg/fruit diet?
    id love to start with this, but i need to know exactly what to eat, dont
    want to end up eating stuff and not having everthing i need, please, thank

  8. Veganoxia says:

    He’s fuckin funny

  9. PeterKaltsas says:

    Tell a gorilla that a raw fruit diet is bad for you.

  10. Jenn X says:

    Fiona is not overweight.. She’s normal size if you check her bmi. She’ll
    probably live longer than you because your lifestyle truly isn’t healthy. I
    understand if you guys are vegans but your body weight is way too low on
    merely the fruit diet. I don’t know what planet you people come from but
    underweight isn’t good either, if the body is put on survival mode, it
    literally has no fat.
    I understand that I wouldn’t take nutrition advice from a fat dietitian,
    but I also wouldn’t take it from a hypocritical one who is fat shaming
    someone’s size when it’s actually quite normal and too underweight.

  11. EdgeofWhat says:

    I enjoy the gratuitous use of the word “fuck.”

  12. keith hobbs says:

    my only problem with this is he is linking skinny = healthy and big or fat
    = unhealthy which is not always the case

  13. Sana Meshari says:

    and since when is thin=healthy ?
    an overweight person might be healthier than a slim person.

  14. Warren Mann says:

    i only have one thing id like to say to you darianrider, its not just as
    simple as going vegan and just eating fruits and vegs. my dad got melanoma
    and for the past year he has been doing the gerson therapy, (which you
    should check out if you dont know what that is) In America fruits and
    vegetables are extremely over priced! especially organics!! he has had to
    take out a loan on his house just to pay for ONE YEAR of eating vegan! i
    know it must be different where you live in the world so im not trying to
    say you’re wrong… i just find it a bit harsh how you criticize “fat
    people” for eating badly. its just that we can not afford to eat healthy. 

  15. TzarR Kenzo says:

    Who the fuck is this retard guy :|

  16. Sublime Music Channel says:

    Another way in which doctors and nutritionists make themselves look
    confused is when they will tell you to get a “balanced” diet supplemented
    by a multivitamin. Yet to someone who goes on a fruits and vegetables-based
    diet the “professionals” don’t say “great, just supplement that diet with a
    multivitamin for those things (B12, Vitamin D, whatever) the diet doesn’t
    naturally already provide in super-abundance.” Instead, they freak and go,
    “Oh, my god! You’ll NEVER get enough B12, Vitamin D, whatever, from a fruit
    and vegetables-based diet! Aaarrgghh!” Then they bite their own heads off
    and spin around on the floor 10 times for the news cameras. Their message
    is EXACTLY the same one they have for meat-eaters–“add a multi to that
    diet”–only when they say it to vegans they shriek it in alarm while
    flailing their arms and running in circles slapping themselves upon the
    head. If there’s a scam in nutrition science, it centers around what we
    think of as our protein requirements and their source. 

  17. awwitshorace says:

    jesus fucking christ, these vegans are actually insane. that nutricianist
    was a normal, healthy, non image obsessed human being; ‘loni jane’ is
    practically anorexic; an obvious victim of the media obsession with weight
    loss and body image .. vegans are very neurotic people; the message they
    are promoting is not reasonable or balanced!

  18. Jack Johnson says:

    Who is this fucking tool? Go back to eating your METH and shut your fucking
    pie hole.

  19. CANDY says:

    First of all I want to say that eating a diet of ONLY fruits and veggies
    ISNT unhealthy.
    I don’t understand why mainstream media, nutritionist and doctors are
    trying to convince people that eating only fruits and vegetables is
    unhealthy or dangerous.
    Whats dangerous is all that junk and toxic chemicals they lace processed
    food with
    These doctors and nutritionist are misleading the public either purposely
    or they have been brainwashed in school and need to do their own research
    on how beneficial a diet on fruits and vegetable is to ALL the organs in
    the body.
    Humans were never made to feed on animal meat most early civilizations
    ate NOTHING but fruits and veggies and they lived to old age, they lived
    longer than most people live today.
    Its our fucked up civilization that doesn’t educate people about good
    Actually this has a lot to do with the richest people at the top of the
    They don’t want poor or middle class people to be healthy or get the right
    foods they need that is why in our neighborhoods and super markets they
    sell so much processed junk and the fruits and veggies are more expensive
    than unhealthy fat foods.
    Even the bible says first man and woman were VEGAN.
    One reason why kids are being born with deformities and disabilities is
    because most people are not eating a healthy unprocessed diet.
    I truly believe this nutritionist doesn’t know what shes talking about and
    shes misleading people.
    There is a war against health by big pharma. because big pharma makes
    BILLIONS a year selling meds to sick people that eat synthetic processed
    foods and meat.
    The human body is NOT designed to break down & digest red meat, any kind of
    meat except fish and other seafood.
    Seafood is also a good source of nutrition.
    I am looking for another option for dieting because the diets ive tried
    haven’t worked and I still eat processed foods and meat occasionally
    although I know its not healthy for me.
    I grew up eating like that so It is a bit hard to change my life style over
    night but I know I have to do it to avoid health issues down the line.
    I don’t agree with this nutritionist at all she really needs to get her
    facts straight.
    She doesn’t look very healthy herself so she should NOT be giving out
    I know this girl jane is doing the right thing and she obviously know
    eating like that will save her life.
    She is thin but not anorexic looking, she looks like a healthy thin and she
    doesn’t only eat healthy she exercises too that is why she keeps her body
    in shape.
    If you eat too much fruits and veggies you can gain weight because fruits
    and veggies DO have fats and sugar.
    I know her baby will be healthy and she knows It too.

  20. glosumm says:

    SO, my husband and I are Christians and believe deeply in Creation. We are
    not currently eating raw but I had a fun fact I wanted to share. I was
    reading the Bible the other day and I happily noticed that Adam and Eve
    were Vegetarian. 🙂 (Genesis 1:29), “See, I give you every seed-bearing
    plant that is upon the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit,
    they shall be yours for food. And to all the animals on land, to all the
    birds of the sky, and to everything that creeps on earth, in which there is
    the breath of life, [I give] all the green plants for food.” So Science and
    Christianity both support a Vegan lifestyle. BTW we are doing our research
    and financial planing to start eating raw. YAY!

  21. Anosaurus Rex says:

    giggle with…..irritation

  22. petecabrina says:

    I love the suggestion that humans are suppose to be slim, or that there is
    some fit all diet. Do you think humans that evolved around the Arctic
    circle for thousands of years adapted to their environment and survived by
    trying to be slim and avoiding eating animals.

    Why people think all humans are the same and certain foods will suit
    everyone boggles the mind, what is so hard to understand that different
    races and cultures evolved on different diets and circumstances, it is
    likely different diets suit different people based on varying genetic
    profiles and biology. This is even before getting into lifestyle or that
    even people of a similar genetic background will vary biologically on
    different foods.

    Some people can not stand keto, some people thrive off it, some people can
    not stand 80/10/10, some people will thrive off of it, (also appears some
    people in the longer term suffer health wise greatly from it).

    Work out what suits you, and stop arguing for fucks sake. 

  23. Matty Reis says:

    This girl has admitted herself that she has been battling anorexia for
    years (a body image obsession / mental problem). Her ridiculous banana diet
    is being blasted by every and anyone who comes across it in the health and
    nutrition world. This ridiculous and extreme lifestyle is only a means to
    help feed her mental obsession, making it worse. I wish she would work on
    overcoming her obsession with body image, if not for herself, for the
    impressionable young girls out there who look up to her and follow her on
    youtube. She is making many young girls struggles worse and profiting from
    it through youtube views. A woman in her late 30s should have realized this
    by now and exercise some fuckin self control. I don’t mean to be hard on
    people with mental problems, but when they take to youtube and try to lead
    a cult of young innocent people into their stupidity it really pisses me

  24. Damian Hind says:

    When you said “I ain’t hating, just saying” its the same as saying “I dont
    mean to offend you”, and then say something offensive to someone. You can
    pretend your words or actions dont impact people, but they do. Show some
    compassion, Im sure you’re not perfect either. 

  25. Leigh Askin says:

    I love you harley you crack me up !!!! LOL

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