


How to make oil of oregano

Oregano is a natural anti-inflammatory. Oregano is a natural pain killer. Great topical ointment for arthritis, carpel tunnel, bursitis and sore muscles. Sin…
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Herbalist shows you how to make oregano oil from an oil of oregano and olive oil mix.

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  1. dariusacollier1971 says:

    The windows in our apartment face North and South. Can a U.V. lamp achieve
    the same effect?

  2. grannakatharine says:

    i am going to do this with Pennyroyal as a spray/rub for my cats to help
    ‘prevent’ fleas

  3. Vicdiaz01 says:

    can the process be done allot faster if you boil the jar in water.

  4. Online Nutrition Analysis says:

    Oil of oregano doesn’t actually have oregano in it. It’s carvacrol. They
    nicknamed it oregano oil because it smells like oregano. This is a recipe
    for “oregano leaf oil.” Thought I’d clear that up. I tell clients to take
    carvacol and they keep wasting their money on oregano leaf oil. Most
    confusing 🙂 

  5. Maria van Olphen says:

    Someone just gave me an oregano plant. I re-potted it. Do I just clip off
    the bigger leaves, wash it with water, and dry it like you said. When you
    say dry, you mean leave it out in the sun so it dehydrates itself just like
    a dried leaf, right ? and then follow your video ? does it matter what kind
    or olive oil – virgin, extra virgin, light, etc..Thanks for you time

  6. caylargo says:

    You buy the crushed leaves at the store. There is a Mexican brand 2 oz
    package that would do the trick. By El Guapo They usually have a section
    next to other spices. This package says “Whole Oregano”

  7. Marcia Miller says:

    could you please tell me where you get your oregano leaves and how to dry
    them for use?

  8. MaTT mIc says:

    this is amazing to me as an HIV positive patient….can you use the same
    process for other herbs and vegetables?

  9. MaTT mIc says:

    have you personally used it for aches?

  10. TigerWild says:

    Love it! thanks

  11. walkertongdee says:

    How is this making oil of oregano? the oil of oregano is made already, he
    is just diluting it, also Greece has the best not Spain.

  12. Todd W says:

    Would it be okay to use MCT oil instead of olive? Also, what are your
    thoughts on supplementing with something like oil of clove on a daily

  13. Annette Totton says:

    Hello Tony, I only recently started to watch your videos and find them
    amazing. I’ve just made the garlic with msm. I was wondering how often
    should the 1/2 tsp be taken for my chest congestion. You have great hair
    are there any ingredients good for thinning hair. Keep up the good work.

  14. Sue Arnold says:

    Tony, God bless your giving soul for sharing your wisdom. You are a wise
    teacher and a healer of many hearts <3
    Thank you, Tony!

  15. Dsvid G says:

    Can t wait to Meet You from Leam

  16. Stan G says:

    Many thanks from across the pond. Love your videos and am now a

  17. Todd Perry says:

    What a moron he already bought the oil. You make oil from the plant not buy
    it .

  18. Jason Sell says:

    Hi Tony I bought clove essential oil and I put 3 drops into the 1oz
    bottle. I did a dropper full only because I forgot you said only 2 drops.
    I barley tasted the glove and there was no warming sensation. Did I by a
    bad brand? The brand is Simplers Botanicals Organic Clove Bud from
    Madagascar. Do you recommend a certain brand? Thanks. 

  19. Mom Social Life says:

    can this be given to a 4 year old but as a tea, I use homeopathic medicine
    on my child and learned that this is good for mucus. I’m making my own
    oregano oil how different can it turn out from an essential oil? 

  20. Kathy Marquis says:

    Hmm have pure pine gum. . .hope I dont go into sponateuos combustion. .lol.
    will go easy. smirk.

  21. Empower Wellness Solutions says:

    Hello Tony! Can we replace the olive oil for grape seed oil instead to make
    oregano oil or any other oils. I wont use olive oil. Thnks!

  22. PITTMAN277 says:

    I saw a video about how oil of oregano can be used in helping ebola cases
    for healing. What do you think Tony!

  23. almightyfriend1 says:

    Hello, nice to meet you.. wow i love your channel..i have a chipped tooth
    with part of a filling missing,,i havent had time to get to the dentist
    yet,, i have some wild oreganol oil p-73 ,its what i have at home NOW, I
    looked up what is the best thing for me in the middle of the night, and i
    have it.. i saw a little girl given this because she had rotted teeth and
    was waiting for them to fall out and her beautiful teeth would come in
    next,, and she was a trooper so i said ,, im gonna be strong and do
    it,,, i added a couple tiny drops.. this will stop the decay and help me.
    it feels alot better in 10 minutes already,

  24. Edward Barron says:

    Why use oil of oregano? Is it used on a daily basis?

  25. How To Health Videos says:

    Nice video on Oil of Oregano, I love it!

  26. Jason Sell says:

    Hi Tony, I am new to all of this and I am loving it. What brand
    of essential oils would you suggest I use? Also is Echinacea a good
    essential oil to use. Thank you for the videos!

  27. Kathy Marquis says:

    I use coconut oil. . Really calms it…but it wssnt for internal use. .it
    was for a yellow tinge on a big toenail but didnt go away until I did an
    internal cleanse. .almost overnite

  28. JJolaine says:

    I saw your video about 15 minutes “after” I put oregano oil directly on my
    skin. Then I took my medication because it was past time for it. Then I
    decided to look up some “more info” on YouTube and caught this video. Now,
    I want to know why I should not have taken my medication. It was a
    painkiller. I just had surgery late last month. I appreciate your advice.

  29. dz28396 says:

    to use an oil to help with a gum or some oral infections (you mention this
    method on one of your shows) do you use essential oil or the deluted
    version , and which oil is recommended for oral infection use …thankyou

  30. Danny Abaldo says:

    Hello my brother, been a while, I have started to make, sale tinctures ,
    started a school writing books with a herbal pharmacists from Africa, my
    chemist and co- writer and co blog writer, he is from Ethiopia and is now a
    teacher, knows all the stuff I have had hard time with, thats good, and a
    PHD co- writer doing a book, ‘herbal medicine for mental health’, survival
    herbal medicine and survival things , a few other smaller works, and a
    super low cost M.H. school, so my question is, I have not used EO to make
    tinctures, I saw your vid last year, decided time to do it. I got a 5Ml
    bottle 20.00 from Greece, top quality stuff, man 5 Ml so I am looking at
    what 2- 3 1 oz tinctures not good for cost and money, if correct. I do not
    know if it s worth the money to do this method, but doing it, for self
    mostly, as it will be the best.
    Question, also ordered good cinnamon EO, does it work the same, how many
    drops do you think is correct? thank you brother keep up the work and truth.
    Agenda 21 is hear and much more, spraying the hell out of my area 100%
    increase in last couple months wild man.
    I know the fall of America is at hand, this year 2014 many events, watch.

  31. Anna Martinez says:

    Hello just watched your video, how many drops do you take a day of your
    diluted oil of oregano and can you take it everyday? thanks

  32. MrsTJ30 says:

    What is agenda 21?? and I have been really interested in making my own
    herbal remedies for a long time. I just recently bought some beeswax to
    make my own salves, etc. Thank goodness I found your site. You seem
    pretty legit and know what you are talking about. I do have tons of
    oregano in my yard, plus many other herbs (I love my herbs), but I am
    wondering if you have any videos on how to make essential oil?? I am
    trying to learn as much as I can about all of gods medicines. Also another
    comment I want to make on behalf of oregano oil, is that I was using wild
    oregano oil from heddwynessentials.com,I didn’t purchase this online,
    instead I bought this in my local natural food store. I live in Canada. I
    used this stuff on my daughters plantar warts on her foot. I had been
    fighting with her warts for over 2 years, using wart band-aid
    removers, toxic stinky wart stuff and was going to take her into the
    doctors office to get it burned off and figured, what the heck one night
    and decided to put some on a band-aid and put it on her foot. I wasn’t
    consistent, and did it only about 4 nights in a 10 day period (I’m a busy
    person with 3 jobs & a family to raise) and it fell off!! I couldn’t
    believe it! I also use it mainly for sore throats and flu, since it seems
    to really help us to get better faster. And also just recently we have
    been having an epidemic of Impetigo in our small community and the doctor
    prescribed some bactroban. I was using this bactroban and her impetigo was
    getting so bad. I swear that there was some really bad type of staph
    infection or something going on, since it seems like it was spreading so
    fast and almost looked like it was going to turn into flesh eating disease
    or something pretty harsh, cause there was some kind of necrosis in some
    areas (yes I do have some previous medical training,so I have seen some
    nasty infections and I do know some things) and I took her back into the
    doctors, expecting for her to be put on antibiotics and maybe some swabs.
    He didn’t do any kind of swab or scrapping tests and wanted me to use
    cortisone cream!! to help knock it down, so he says!! Cortisone thins the
    skin and that’s the last thing you want with this! But with the way it was
    spreading so fast, this just didn’t sit well with me, so when we got home,
    I decided to use straight up oregano oil on it. It did burn her and she
    was able to withstand about 10 mins of it and then went to wash it off in a
    shower and that night we could finally start to see improvements. The next
    day was even better. I used it two more times, within the one week and
    then it finally disappeared!! The healed skin was really pink (atleast
    there was skin again!)(and now over a month later, she is totally back to
    normal and there is no marks at all) So now I just have a whole new
    perspective on this stuff. Sorry for my long letter. But yeah I am now a
    subscriber of you and am going to look for more info. Thanks :)

  33. Mom Social Life says:

    thanks great video

  34. Kathy Marquis says:

    Colloidal. Is my next try at making something. . I know it works

  35. michelle myers says:

    can I use Aloe Vera leafs dried?

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