


Healthy breakfast food ideas?

Question by Juliet ;*: Healthy breakfast food ideas?
I’ve been trying to eat healthy lately but I’m getting sick of eating the same things every day! What are some healthy meals for breakfast that are filling and will last me until lunch? Any ideas are helpful including: drinks, breakfast on the go, ways to get more fiber, super energy foods etc. Thank you! 🙂

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Answer by Holly
Here, read this!

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  1. Carson H says:

    Believe it or not eggs are very healthy. Most people know that they have high cholesterol. However, what most people don’t know is that it is good cholesterol. Obviously you would want to avoid bacon, but anything in moderation couldn’t be THAT bad. My mother used to always make bell pepper salad and that worked miracles. For that you would need to dice three orange, red, and yellow. Add a quarter cup of extra virgin olive oil and a cup of garlic bread croutons. Let it sit for a good ten minutes after the oil drizzle and it tastes good anytime of the day.

  2. leolady says:

    Porridge with fruit,bran with fruit, scrambled eggs, toast with avocado, Cereal and fruit,plus slice of toast, scrambled eggs with bacon, that’s a few to add to your diet.

  3. Serena Bhakta says:

    pan cakes, cheerios, fiber one cereals

  4. ♥ says:

    For a drink with breakfast you could try green tea or water with lemon 🙂 Both are great for you. For fiber things like oatmeal, whole grain high fiber cereals (low in sugar), whole grain breads, ground flax seed, fruits, etc. Fiber and protein can help you stay full till lunch time.
    If you can go for natural organic foods.

    Here are some healthy breakfast ideas 🙂

    ~ Oatmeal
    Topping ideas: berries/fruit, nut butter, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, cinnamon, natural jam, honey, agave nectar, milk or non-dairy milk or greek yogurt or organic unsweetened fruit sauce, etc.
    * Non-dairy milk like – almond, soy, rice or coconut milk.

    ~ Healthy cereal (such as Kashi or Nature’s Path Organic cereals – high in fiber low in sugar) with milk, non-dairy milk or greek yogurt. You can also add in some fresh fruit like berries, banana slices, peach slices, etc.

    ~ Muesli with yogurt and fruit salad

    ~ Greek yogurt with fruit or fruit salad. You can also add some nuts, seeds or ground flax seed to the yogurt. Add a hard boiled egg or two if you’d like to make it a more filling breakfast

    ~ Omelet with lots of veggies and a little cheese (such as goat cheese). Paired with whole grain toast or fresh fruit with yogurt.

    ~ Whole grain tortilla spread lightly with cream cheese, filled with egg whites & baby spinach with fresh fruit

    ~ Toasted whole grain english muffin spread with cream cheese, with a poached or boiled egg, baby spinach, sliced tomato, slice of cheese and fruit

    ~ Whole grain toast with nut butter and natural jam or slices of banana. Paired with a yogurt or a hard boiled egg

    ~ Cottage cheese with one or two eggs (boiled, scrambled, etc.). With whole grain toast and fruit.

    ~ Cottage cheese with fruit – for example sliced peach, pineapple chunks or berries. You could pair this with nuts like almonds or hard boiled eggs.

    ~ Smoothie: blending milk of your choice, yogurt, berries/fruit and add ground flax seed to if you want. To make this more filling you could pair the smoothie with almonds or multigrain toast with nut butter or a bowl of oatmeal.

    ~ Buckwheat or whole grain waffle or pancake – topped with greek yogurt and fruit or nut butter and natural jam or slices of banana.

    ~ Parfait made with greek yogurt, berries, organic granola or muesli – you could also add in some almonds or walnuts or sprinkle on cinnamon and ground flax seed, for example

    ~ Whole grain bagel with cream cheese, hard boiled eggs, fruit salad

    ~ Rye bread with avocado and hard boiled eggs

    I hope this helps 🙂


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