


Glycemic Index for Fruits

A summary explanation of the glycemic index, and how it can be used to make better eating decisions to control blood sugar levels. The focus is on fruits, ra…

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  1. James Drury says:

    Hi, how did you get the number 25 for the apple? I didn’t get how you
    worked that out before your calculation. I guess you get the number 38 from
    some GI chart? Can you recommend a website or app for that chart? Thanks 

  2. Bency Varghese says:

    Brilliant video! Truly gave me a visual that will stick while out produce

  3. Azazel Raiden says:

    I’ve been losing more weight because I cut down on the milk and bananas. In
    addition, my body doesn’t produce as much insulin.

  4. The2minWorkOut says:

    hey tim have you got a diet plan you could post up on your facebookk page
    of what you eat everyday at each meal.

  5. Freaky50Fitness says:

    I glad to hear your are having success with your diet change. Try the
    berries like strawberries and blueberries. They are low on the GI scale and
    are great evening snacks. I know Blueberries can get pricey, but buying the
    big frozen bags is a cost saver, and they thaw quick! If you like yogurt,
    try the fruit in Greek vanilla yogurt

  6. Azazel Raiden says:

    I had no ideas that bananas were high on the index, thank you very much
    Tim. You look fantastic for your age

  7. Azazel Raiden says:

    Yes that’s true. A good recovery drink to workouts that is very cheap and
    effective is when you take a banana and blueberries, and orange juice and
    ice cubes.. Mix it up into the blender. The sugar helps you recover faster
    during an intense workout.

  8. Freaky50Fitness says:

    Hello emoboi311, thanks for viewing the video and yes, I surprised too. I
    have used this information to determine what time of day to eat certain
    fruits to balance blood sugar levels. I hope you found this info helpful,
    and thanks for the kind words to an old man 🙂

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