


Are Avocados Evil?

The avocado has been a controversial fruit lately: the recent Thai Fruit Festival drama began over a dispute about the merits of this fruit. Durianrider is n…

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  1. PutuPup says:

    I love avocado. It is the best natural food source of glutathione, one of
    the most important anti-oxidants protecting your brain and liver.
    Glutathione is vital for the liver to be able to detoxify ones body
    especially from heavy metal. (watermelon the next best source of
    Avocados are very useful at helping to control reactive hypoglycemia.

  2. ROOTED says:

    Whats more controversial is the use of seaweed. very unethical and
    unsustainable, I recently learned.

  3. Aubrey Johnson says:

    LOL at the title 

  4. greg spellman says:

    Rich roll talks about eating them a lot

  5. 40BelowFruity says:

    Aussie avocados were the best I’ve ever tried – They have a variety called
    the shepherd avocado that taste smoky. They call it the bacon avocado. We
    got them organic fresh from the tree and they were incredible!

  6. meatofpeach says:

    I almost never eat them, since I find nuts 100x more delicious as my fat

  7. Tair Bear says:

    How do you guys feel about nuts/seeds?

  8. Synthia Fagen says:

    Avocado provides all 18 essential amino acids needed by a body to create
    complete protein.

    I eat 1/4 to 1/2 avocado per day as really my only fat but the body DOES
    need fat.

    Avocado is way more than fat. It’s really a superfood.

  9. Michael Cinquegrani says:

    I eat at almost the same time everyday and thus my digestion is very
    consistent aswell. Whenever I include an avocado it always delays digestion
    by atlest half a day. So I tend to eat less than half a dozen or so of them
    over a years time. I also don’t eat nuts or seeds at all. Avocados in my
    opinion don’t taste that great either, they sort of taste like you’re
    eating solidified olive oil or something. I just stick to the carbs

  10. komposteramig says:

    How are there 7 views and 14 likes on this video :0 Sup with that youtube

  11. Happy Healthy Vegan says:
  12. Plant Based Solution says:

    I actually veered off the 80/10/10 and found that upping my fat intake, and
    protein by the 80/10/10 standards has been a more enjoyable and beneficial
    way to eat for me. I enjoy a variety of nuts, seeds, and avocado in just
    the right amounts a couple times per day which helps me feel very satiated
    with less total calories. I actually just had a salad similar to yours
    yesterday w/ a Cara Cara orange, avocado, spinach, arugula+…it is a great
    combo. With grapefruit too like you used.

    All I can say is that I felt liberated no longer trying to stick to a set
    of parameters that isn’t necessarily appropriate for all people. Studies
    on fat intake usually center on fat from animal foods rather than healthy
    whole plant fats. Almonds are high in fiber, and have been used to help
    people lower cholesterol along w/ other foods like barley, oats, and beans
    by Dr. Jenkins. I now get between 10-20% fat daily, which for me is
    usually around 30g per day. In the big scheme of things, that isn’t much.
    The total combo of macro and micro nutrients/total calories, are what
    matter in terms of individual constitution and energy expenditures. Having
    more fat can help people feel satisfied on less total calories which can
    help w/ weight loss, esp. the tough last 10#… and esp. as we age when
    weight loss can seem more challenging. I know I know, I’m an 80/10/10
    heretic… or rather I just found my personal sweet spot. ~Tracy

  13. Raw VeganAdventurer says:

    I will do 1 week of eating 3 avos for dinner instead of starches and see if
    my running times will improve 

  14. Arlén Vestby says:

    Avocado the heavenly butter…..LOVE some on my mashed beans and potatoes:)
    Why do you call your diet 801010? It`s misleading. To me 811 is an all
    fruitarian diet… Dr Graham want`s to own that concept. You guys are raw
    til 4 .Durianrider hates avocados because fats gets in the way of his sugar
    addiction…easy as that.

  15. Beth DeRoos says:

    Love eating avocados daily because I love the healthy fats. It’s grains my
    body has a hard time handling. One size does not fit all……

  16. ASTR0WIG says:

    When I went raw in the year 2000 (I stopped in 2004) I was practically
    drinking cold-pressed olive oil and eating as many avocadoes as I cared
    for. I lost so much weight my Doctor told me I was under-weight. I pretty
    much stayed there until I stupidly departed from the Vegan idea due to
    ignorance and the Atkins Fatkins brainwash going on around me. DURIANRIDER
    a professional level athlete or something. THE ONLY RAW FAT WHICH MAKES YOU
    FAT IS SATURATED FAT FROM ANIMALS: e.g. Beef & Fish Sashimi, Milk Cheeses
    and the like. People do not get fat from eating four avocadoes plus
    everyday, if you think they do promptly de-brainwash yourself. The overall
    balance of the Diet and how one FEELS emotionally is what counts, not some
    pie-in-the-sky rigid idea of an 80/10/10….Unless 80/10/10 is actually
    what makes you feel best. Different bodies, different needs: “One Man’s
    Medicine Is Another Man’s Poison.” God Bless!

  17. radiantchristina says:

    I wish people would stop hating on avocados…they have so many
    nutrients…just don’t go crazy with them. I don’t have them every week,
    but I do by them approx. every 2-3 weeks…mostly because it depends on the
    quality of them at the store. I live in south florida but I don’t like fl
    avocados..i prefer the haas from CA and Mexico. Anyhoo..when I DO buy them,
    i’ll have half a day for that week, then not have them for another week or
    I can’t eat them alone, because to do so, I love to put a ton of salt on
    them..so I skip that method… lol… but I do like to make dressings with
    them or slice into my salad

  18. OldVegan says:

    I love avocados, but I rarely eat them because of the fat content.

  19. Rachel Smith says:

    What!!! Noooooooo

  20. googleiscomplicated says:

    Lol @ the Ted Carr reference

  21. Yuri piotirck says:

    lol newsflash, fats are essential for life. no less than 50% of your total
    calories should come for fat.

    inb4 flamewar with pushy brainwashed vegans

  22. Jurrica Reed says:

    Love avocado pasta! That’s the only way I can eat them. 1 avo, garlic,
    cilantro or basil, lemon or lime–through it in the blender and pour it
    over some pasta. Yummy!

  23. Eye on Health says:

    I was wondering, does eating avocado with rice cause what Dr Barnard would
    say “the bubble gum in the key hole” as it pertains to diabetes? I
    understand if you eat a SAD that’s high in fat it would cause that blockage
    of sugar in the cells. But does the same happens with plant fats like
    avocado when mixed with rice? Subscribe and check out my community page on
    facebook yhank you. https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=601111409964342

  24. Bananas and Bass says:

    I like avos now and then. I did try for almost 2 weeks where I had 1 avo a
    day. And I couldn’t get to do any sports. Now ofc this is chicken and egg
    story. Do people eat more fats when they sit on their butt, or do they sit
    on their butts because they eat fats. Or maybe other things that cause fat
    eating and butt sitting to result as both symptoms 🙂
    Anyway, as long as your long-term macros are 801010 it evens out. And I
    would prefer avocados as a high-fat source, (followed maybe by young
    coconuts). Because these are still alive, vibrant, foods with some water
    content. Almost all nuts are dried and they don’t digest well, seeds… I
    consider bird food that needs to sprout and doesn’t want to be eating. So
    yeah, eat fruit, spread seeds :)

  25. Tom Howe says:


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