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  1. LosingDrea says:

    Love your videos, what you say and all you stand for. Your amazing and I
    know if I eat the foods you mention that I am most successful at losing
    weight and not starving. I mean not that its good but I don’t drink all the
    water I am supposed to and I don;t hardly exercise and eating just these
    foods and avoiding the ones you suggest be avoided I LOSE WEIGHT AND FEEL
    FANTASTIC! SO keep up the great work, I just shared your video on my
    Facebook and I hope the 500+ followers from the Weight-Loss Community here
    on Facebook watch and subscribe to you to. Many thanks and keep up the
    wonderful work you do, your amazing, and you look amazing!

  2. LilyGaby CriZ says:

    who drinks diet coke is a DUMBASS! it still SODA! the only different is the
    diet word right there

  3. humbecker says:

    soy does nothing to your hormones, if anything it blocks Estrogen receptors.
    come on read a study or something …
    it’s 2014 … 

  4. Tami TKDGal says:

    what are your feelings on coffee?

  5. Juliana Sarria says:

    If whole wheat bread isnt healthy do you not eat bread? Or which do you
    recommend I love bread

  6. Ben David says:

    You and Scooby would make a great couple.

    Because you’re both broscientist-y as fuck. No respect.

  7. Pop Kiiss says:

    OMG I can’t stop eating wheat ! It’s impossible

  8. Healthy Well Fitness says:
  9. Blarity Taylor says:

    Not the crackers! I love my crackers! ;n; <333

  10. Ivan Pochynyuk says:

    Water is high in fat. >:D

  11. Stacy Smith says:

    Not much idea about good food or bad food but i believe that you need to
    keep exercising if you want to be in shape eating matters but not much if
    you are exercising daily.

  12. NStuker says:

    I just make my own orange juice = 2 fresh oranges.
    Is that bad too?

  13. turbofritz2 says:

    jesus said eat meat… you are from the devil

  14. Andrea Elena says:

    Cool! I’m from Argentina, we drink “Mate” and “Tereré” which are made with
    Yerba Mate…! We drink it on college classes, when we study, everywhere…
    It really helps you stay awake

  15. Dina Ibrahim says:

    Question: can I have one small sandwich a day and still lose weight? 

  16. Sid Bloomfield says:

    Orange juice isn’t a food

  17. Jed Tan says:

    i drink soy milk once everyday and im skinny to the bone…

  18. Adam Coppa says:

    how do you make a hormone?
    don’t tip her.

  19. Kim Ram says:

    dammit.. i live off of my blackberry chobani yogurt _… but very

  20. Roger Bovee says:

    What does the Bible say about health and health foods? “And said, If thou
    wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that
    which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and
    keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I
    have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.”
    Exodus 15:26. For a free King James Bible, and information on how YOU can
    be saved, HEALED, delivered, and filled with the Holy Spirit, click on my
    photo, then the link below right!

  21. Ashley ASHLEYM says:

    Greek yogurt tastes very chemically though, it doesn’t taste healthy at all
    and also greek yogurt is not probiotic which in my opinion is the health
    reason for eating yogurt.
    I agree with you on a lot of the others.

  22. Maria Popovici says:

    Thank you for your informative videos, Brenda! They are so well researched
    and informative. The honest approach take is refreshingly welcome. Thank
    you for your transparency and for the nutritional alternatives you offer. 

  23. Hillary Abreu says:

    I eat the Quaker Oats oatmeal every morning and just read the ingredients
    and it has Sucralose in it…. 🙁 do you have any recommendations for any
    other healthy oatmeal?

  24. Candice Collins says:

    Orange Juice is healthy for me, I have low blood sugar, it works fast and
    keeps me from reaching severely low levels of sugar which can lead to tons
    of health issues including coma, I would not get the sugar fast enough if I
    were to just eat it. This is good info if you are not low blood sugar…..
    Please keep in mind if you have health issues to ask your doctor what you
    should and shouldn’t eat.

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