


Why “Eating Healthy” is Stupid.

Anytime I post a video dealing with food I’m sure to get some comments such as, “This isn’t healthy.” “Why do you eat dirty?” “Too much sodium.” “Why do you …

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  1. Brandon Campbell says:

    +adnan604 While I appreciate your opinion, you’re still holding on to a lot
    of the dogmas that aren’t actually correct. 

  2. Brandon Campbell says:

    Although Jane Smith has her privacy settings set so I can’t respond
    directly to her, despite the fact she commented like 8 times. I just wanted
    to let her know that the times when I talked about how people are
    stupid/moronic/idiotic I was pretty much talking about you. You’re

  3. Brandon Campbell says:

    +tollosaurs No.

  4. Cris bera says:

    Healthy to me are foods that benefit and enrich the body rather then abuse
    and harm Ive found myself so much more energized vital and even stronger,
    Not to mention the 35 pounds of fat i dropped in a month maintaining all my
    body measurements since Ive stuck to vitamin rich super food rich diet
    avoiding anything processed also eating a lot of greens cinnamon turmeric
    berries almonds . I went from 198 pounds 16.5 arms 36 waist 52 shoulder
    circumference to 169 with the exact same stats however 31 inch waist side
    note i used to sleep a lot more also now i sleep between 6-8 instead of
    8-10 hours due to the increase of energy. I feel as though the stricter and
    more disciplined you are with your food choices the more optimal and
    efficient your results will be. My diet mostly cuts out gluten as it is
    known to cause inflammation and is difficult sticky protein to digest
    causing inflammation caffeine similar effect and lactose all pro
    inflammatory also sugar as it is a superfluous empty calorie and the body
    needs none at all , giving up on shit is not much a sacrifice if it can
    make you evolve and become the true best version of yourself . just my

  5. Matty Fusaro says:

    Perfect video man and well said.

  6. Dombowerphoto says:

    So true! Good video dude. 

  7. OlympusIron says:

    801st ftw

  8. 1fitASHmom says:

    If you scared go to church!!!

  9. Greenblood60 says:

    There is no such thing as a “dirty food!” Take a burger for an example. Is
    beef really that unhealthy ? Is the lettuce or tomato really dirty ? Take
    french fries for another example. How are potatoes unhealthy ? Their fried
    in oil, but not all oil is “unhealthy.” Vegetable oil is a so called
    “healthy fat.” I say so-called unhealthy fat because saturated fat gets a
    bad rap. It’s not unhealthy. Trans fats are unhealthy, and fast food chains
    avoid trans fats. So what’s really unhealthy ? Too many calories is
    unhealthy. That’s the main problem. The dude who lost 37 pounds by eating
    only McDonalds for three months is proof of that. His cholesterol also
    decreased. It’s all about calories people.

    Get your essential fats and protein, and don’t eat too many calories. The
    only unhealthy foods are candy and liquor.

  10. Mike Parchen says:


  11. Maxx Chewning says:

    Did you flip your baby vneck backwards and do this same day as your last
    video? Or is yellow just your go to color ?

  12. SuperFreshBandit says:

    love this video

  13. Dystopia Kaotika says:

    (I will mention, though, that as I’m a total n00b to all of this – being
    more strict about diet in the beginning/as you’re learning about all of
    this stuff – to work in the routine of finding healtier and/or “better”
    options, meal prep, meal plan, eat ‘clean’ – and so on – is what works for
    me. It’s about changing the routine (rut, really), going for better
    options. I won’t deny myself a PopTart if I want one, but I will probably
    opt for a variety of PopTart that isn’t *all* sugar most of the time to get
    into the habit of thinking about macros…) :)

  14. Michael Kory says:

    “You had Chick Fil A, why do you eat that sh*t and do that to yourself?”
    Nice video man

  15. TheL3gacyIV says:

    Nice man you respond to your comments. So what’s up how’s that beard

  16. KainanRa's Suburban Homestead says:

    Now I want a poptart. Great vid as usual. When I first got into fitness I
    did all that crazy shit. Good thing there are people trying to spread the

  17. MattDoesFitness says:

    Absolutely agree big man, nice video. I could eat only ‘healthy’ food but
    if I eat friggin loads of it I’m still gonna get fat…

  18. Tim Thebodeau says:

    Awesome points made. I try telling this to people on a daily basis but
    always get ignorant responses.

  19. sanitary103 says:

    Being a health and fitness guy myself, I have to chime in with my 2 cents.
    First off, I agree that if someone is eating clean most of the time and is
    hitting their macros/overall calories, one single pop tart or “cheat” food
    as some would label is not that big of a deal. Heck, I try to eat “clean”
    75-80% of the time during a bulk and know how hard it is to get a lot of
    calories especially for a hard gainer, so throwing in some cheat foods from
    time to time in the grand scheme of things isn’t bad per say.

    However, I wouldn’t go as far to say labeling an individual food item as
    “healthy” or “unhealthy” is stupid and here is why. Take for example you
    wolf down a classic Mcdonald’s Big Mac, large fries and regular coke. A
    more experienced person such as you or me would probably just chalk that
    meal up as a “cheat” meal and get back on track the next day or use IIFYM
    to make the macros work in our favor. In this context, this fast food meal
    wouldn’t be labeled as unhealthy according to you, though there is more to
    overall health and longevity than hitting just #’s for appearance but I
    don’t want to digress too much.

    The problem lies in that the average person may count calories but the
    majority do not count exact macros (proteins, carbs, fats) per day. I don’t
    have statistical data to back this up but the majority of people simply
    focus more on overall calories without regard to macros. If you’re not
    convinced, simply ask around and you’ll see. So when they see someone
    having a cheat meal, they may try this approach, only to find that their
    macros whether they track them or not gets completely out of whack. It’s a
    very slippery slope for an average to inexperienced person. By labeling
    foods as “healthy” and “unhealthy”, I think it simplifies things and also
    makes it a little easier to hit your macros if this person decided to try
    flexible dieting/IIFYM.

    Also, eating what’s considered “healthy” foods does have advantages. For
    one, most healthy food keeps you feeling fuller for a longer period of
    time, hence lessens the chances of someone binging who’s trying to lose
    weight. Also, eating that 1 pop tart might not make you tempted to eat the
    entire box but some people have very addictive personalities and this
    approach might not suit them.

    Last, I agree for the most part what you’re saying in this video but do
    have a small issue with the title of your video b/c you do not know
    people’s individual circumstances whether it’s high blood pressure,
    diabetes, bad heart etc and by stating that eating “healthy is stupid”,
    you’re indirectly setting some people to fail miserably in their diet.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this essay if you got this far.

  20. ChelseaLifts says:


  21. BroScience Bodybuilding says:

    I agree with some of your points. Your basically saying “if it fits your
    macros” (IIFYM) is okay to use. But I always bring this example to people
    who believe in IIFYM like it’s the word of Jesus– Example is, let’s focus
    on ONLY protein. Forget the other macros, sodium, micros, etc…. Only
    protein. So if we’re focusing on only protein, let’s say person-A gets 100g
    protein from McDonald’s chicken nuggets, while person-B gets 100g protein
    from store bought chicken breast. I understand that is taking it to the
    extreme, but with that train of thought, it is saying that person-A and
    person-B got the exact same quality of protein. See what I mean? This can
    be applied across many platforms. I go in my kitchen and eat 10 spoonfuls
    of sugar to get my carbs up OR i eat, say, brown rice. If you believe those
    2 are equivalent, then I completely disagree.

    IIFYM can be applied to some extent, but I think it’s a dis-service to
    yourself to follow it completely. A snack or 2 of something that isn’t
    considered “clean” is okay, but if you base your whole diet around that
    shit? Idk about it. This goes mainly for if you are cutting up (i.e. trying
    to lose weight.) If you are bulking, IIFYM can be followed a bit more and
    maybe you can eat fast food or whatever you want.

    In conclusion, I just feel like you are better off eating these clean foods
    because they are nutritionally better for you and the QUALITY is much
    better. Why buy $70 designer whey protein when you can buy same amount at
    wal-mart for $15? Because QUALITY counts/matters. Maybe I’m wrong and maybe
    what is considered junk food will effect your body the same way, but why
    even risk it? It’s so hard to build muscle for us natural guys, that I
    would think you want to take advantage of every single edge you have made
    available to you to build and maintain muscle. You can’t go wrong with
    eating clean to hit your macros.

    LOL @ Longest post ever. Still my favorite fitness YouTuber, Brandon. You
    mind if I make a reply video to this?

  22. shreddybrek says:

    Its crazy how shocked people are when they see someone eating something
    that isn’t chicken and dry rice. Not everyone who lifts want’s to be a
    bodybuilder, so why eat like a bodybuilder during competition prep? Aslong
    as someone is making gains, why should someone care if they’re not eating
    ‘clean’ 100% of the time? 

  23. DanielJon says:

    The beard made this more appealing to me

  24. Invictus says:

    But the pop tart would stunt growth hormone pre-workout? Hmmmmmmmmmm

  25. Michael Bluth says:

    “Failing to neglect” lolz. Good talk though

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