


Whole Foods Haul + My Vegan Diet Update!

Sharing my recent Whole Foods purchases and a little about my vegan-ish diet! ITEMS SHOWN:: BOCA Veggie Ground Crumbles BOCA Spicy Chik’n Veggie Patties CIAO…

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  1. signiturelady says:

    I was a vegan for 8 years. Now, I am a vegetarian. I switched to
    vegetarianism because I got a vitamin D deficiency from having too much
    phytic acid intake. I was eating soy products everyday and had no idea it
    could be so harmful to my body. Phytic acid is found in all beans and
    legums and kills vitamin D essential for absorbing calcium. Soy has the
    highest phytic acid content and can cause hormonal imbalance(like irregular
    periods and severe cramping). So, if you are a vegan, make sure to limit
    your soy intake and pre-soak ALL of your beans and legumes overnight before
    cooking. Symptoms of deficiency are muscle weakness, feeling tired all of
    the time, and declining dental health. I hope this information helps

  2. Saundra Fagan says:

    Be careful with eating too many soy based products soy has estrogen like
    effects and can cause breast cancer try to only eat it twice a month or
    less. If you are going to eat soy make sure it is a fermented soy product
    like seitian which is also a meat substitute

  3. Brown Vegan says:

    I’ve been vegan for 4 years and I still miss crab cakes. lol
    Good advice about the change being gradual for you. I was a vegetarian for
    2 years before going vegan, so I think it may be a slow process for most.
    I can see why you hate Daiya…it took me 2 years to acquire a taste for
    it. It’s NOTHING like conventional cheese. lol
    Thanks so much for sharing your vegan life, Kim!

  4. asantewa3 says:

    I am a recent subscriber and I have to say that you are one of the most
    informative gurus and super innovative to boot (that little trick with the
    eyeshadow is bomb!) Do you notice any significant health effects (hair,
    skin, weight, overall health) from the change in your diet? 

  5. Kiera Eaton says:

    I don’t know if you know this but if you want to try something from whole
    foods yo can ask for a try me. They will give you a sticker so you can try
    it for free

  6. Rachel DeLauder says:

    I’m a strict vegan and what I do fora cheese alternative is soak cashews
    overnight, then put that in the blender. It has a creamy cheese taste, but
    it is not like a cheddar cheese. Hope that helps. You can also try other
    nuts like almonds, pine nuts, etc. 

  7. J Gom says:

    I get so excited when I get a YouTube notification with your upload. You
    range of videos are never boring and is so unexpected.
    Thanks for taking time to upload. I truly feel you need a website. Lol

  8. 40BelowFruity says:

    Thumbs up for a plant based diet!

  9. tina kaye says:

    Why are you a vegan? I have cut back on red meat but I find it difficult.
    Are there any health benefits to being vegan. It’s hard to find good
    tasting vegan/vegetarian food which makes it difficult for me to explore
    that avenue. I welcome any helpful comments please. 

  10. Jazmine Gladden says:

    Creme eye shadow I never would have guessed! I was hoping that u would
    tell! Let us know how well it does etc. …does it wash out ok…does it
    last all day etc..

  11. Alez Jones says:

    Rice cheese is really good. I buy a brand by Galaxy Nutritional Foods. It
    comes in American “cheese” slices, shredded mozzarella and grated parmesan.
    Awesome non dairy non soy option that melts wonderfully!

  12. RyMingTahn says:

    Whole Foods is my happy place too :)

  13. facialdiva21 says:

    Try the Quorn Brand meat substitutes. I prefer them over the Boca brand. :)

  14. TinoM24 says:

    i knew you could make almond butter, but almond milk??? I am intrigued!!!
    PLease share…lol

  15. AfroQueenShae says:

    Great video, have you ever tried making your own Cashew cheese? It’s really
    tasty since you make it your liking (also almond cheese), and I know the
    feeling, Whole Foods is like a candy store for me too (which it were a
    little cheaper though). If there is a EarthFare near you check them out as
    well. I’m not vegan, but I am striving to be, I am like 95% vegetarian
    (that fish and chicken holds me grounded for now lol). But my aim is to one
    day soon get to completely vegetarian and then into being fully vegan (I
    may even do raw vegan like +FullyRawKristina )

  16. Mizz Moni says:

    I’m leaning towards a vegan diet now due to my medical condition. I’m glad
    you shared different vegan food that you eat. How do you make your french
    toast w/o eggs? And I would really appreciate if you continued to show
    variety of vegan food that you eat. Thanks a bunch. And thank you for

  17. Katelisa16 says:

    How was the butter? 

  18. Lisa Ree says:

    You explained your current eating plan so well. Thank you for putting it
    just like that.

    I thought I was a vegetarian but I still enjoy eating a beef hot dog even
    though I dont eat steak. I eat sausages as well.

    I did like the Daiya cheese as a cut for cheese and crackers. I forget the
    few I tried at the Health fair. I brought the shredded cheddar for egg
    scrambles and it was horrific. Thanks for bringing that to mind. I will do
    a yelp on it.

    Because of cheese at this time, I could not be a vegan. 

  19. Maya Krzeminski says:

    Field roast just came out with a new cheese! It’s called chao cheese. It’s
    absolutely amazing ! It tastes just like cheese. You must try it 

  20. Mignon S says:

    I was wondering, are you lactose intolerant now? And were you before you
    changed your diet? Also girl you need to get on the Trader Joe’s bus lol.
    Trader Joe’s groceries are half the price cheaper than Whole Foods & most
    of Trader Joe’s suppliers are farmers markets so you are getting real &
    pure organic & better quality foods for less money. Since they opened more
    in NYC I ONLY shop there now!

  21. Jasmine Jenkins says:

    That Biscoff spread is a-mazing. I got some of my friends hooked on it.

  22. ayanaismusic says:

    can’t remember if its boca or morning star but one of them uses egg in
    their faux ground beef mixture. just a heads up

  23. Marina Roberts says:

    I can relate to that upset feeling your get from consuming real milk and
    cheese. From what I’ve learned so far, humans are not supposed to consume
    diary past childhood so natural your adult body suppose to reject it.

  24. ItsKierasLife says:

    I’ve been meaning to try Boca. I need to get on it. 

  25. Tolu1994 says:

    Have you thought of making your own cheese? Its not too difficult

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