


Where can i see more about HCG Diet Menu?

Question by : Where can i see more about HCG Diet Menu?
From 65KG to 55KG in one year, this is what I personality experience all the process, to me it is a miracles. Like all the white-collar because of poor eating habit, do not exercising enough and a malfunctioning metabolism, I am getting much fatter, fortunately I find the best way to lose weight – HCG Diet menu.

Best answer:

Answer by EddySays
A 500 calorie per day diet is considered anorexic. Mix it with a hormone from pregnant women’s urine and you get a miracle diet!
All over the counter hcg products were announced as illegal and fraudulent by the FDA on January 24, 2011. Testing concluded that all over the counter oral and injection products on the market have little to no real hcg in them but most a similar synthetic hormone. I was in GNC several weeks ago. They carry three brands of hcg drops and not one of them has any hcg in them. The well trained salesman even admitted it when I mentioned it. They contained “similar hormones” or amino acids.
Sort of like I’m going to sell you this Toyota Prius but it is really a Ford Focus but we’re going to put a price tag on it that says it is a Toyota Prius. Excuse me?
Anyone that lost weight especially with the drops did it because they ate fewer calories than they burned. The hcg acted as the placebo to help them lose the weight.
The only approved use for hcg is to increase fertility in both men and women.
Next year will mark 60 years since this fraudulent science was started.
The doctors exploiting this benign hormone with the ability to prescribe injections can’t even agree on how it works. Some say it releases stored fat calories into the system. Others say it acts as an appetite suppressant.
Neither explanation justifies the weight loss in the individuals taking the oral drops with NO hcg in them that still lost weight. I am confident the hcg diet has a 95% failure rate just like every other controversial diet plan out there.
By the way, the expensive “clinical injections” are not covered by insurance since it is not FDA approved. What doctor wouldn’t want to get an “all cash” practice going?
Check out these clips before going further. Just aired a few weeks ago.

So the question is are you willing to risk your health based on testimonials, not research, and the statements from doctors in this all cash business?

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  1. Dr. Michael says:

    The HCG diet works for women. I’ve done extensive research and studies on this diet.

    You must use legitimate HCG (injectable or sublingual). Do not fall for the many HCG scams out there today, especially the supplement variety. HCG is a prescription drug. The HCG drug is about $ 60 for a vial of 10,000 IUs, of course it requires a prescription. You can find an “anti aging” doctor in your area that will prescribe this. Some doctors that prescribe HCG might charge a higher consultation fee to administer it.

    The many tests you will see referenced pointing to the HCG diet not working are flawed tests. These tests used many male subjects and men respond totally different to HCG than women do. Additionally, these tests failed to administer the diet correctly and used improper doses of the HCG compound.

    The reason the HCG diet works for women is that it changes the her body chemistry. It tricks her body into thinking it is pregnant allowing her to eat as little as 500 calories a day and it not affect her health adversely.

    Normally when eating a 500 calorie diet, an individual would lose muscle tissue as a result of inadequate calorie intake. The body would preserve and protect body fat and break down muscle tissue for survival reasons.

    When HCG is present it causes her body to think she is pregnant and it will start accessing body fat stores for energy rather than muscle tissue. It will also decrease her appetite causing her to not have a hungry feeling all the time.

    But you have to follow the HCG diet exactly without wavering. Any slip up will knock her out of the chemical state that HCG put her in.

    Of course, after the diet, you cannot just start eating anything you want and expect to keep the weight off. The HCG diet does not correct your bad habits.

    I currently have a 42 yr old client that is on the HCG diet and she has lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks with zero strength loss. She has been working out 4-6 days a week on cardio and weight training all of her life and had hit a wall. It seems like no matter what she did, she couldn’t lose weight past a certain point. The HCG diet put her over the threshold and she feels better than ever. But it does require discipline and work. You have to stick to the strict diet exactly, no exceptions.

    A very good resource to learn about the HCG diet is a forum at: http://hcgdietinfo.com/hcgdietforums/for…

    Good luck!

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