


What are some disadvantages of eating healthy?

Question by Frankie: What are some disadvantages of eating healthy?
I know the advantages of eating healthy are many and varied including more energy, lower risk of disease, and less likely to be overweight. However, I was wondering about some possible DIS-advantages to eating healthy. Like more dirty dishes from home-cooked meals, and extra trips to the grocery store for fresh foods.

Best answer:

Answer by ℂelsius➃➅
Not being able to remember what fat tastes like. And that special feeling of tightness in your chest every once in a while. You’ll miss it.

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  1. Franklin P says:

    what you mentioned as “disadvantages” are everyday life. The only difference is you don’t have to shop daily, you shop as you need to. as to dirty dishes, get use to it. It’s necessary evil. ha ha

  2. Jay the Wolf says:

    A disadvantage might be that some people find it difficult to eat healthy. Most people eat high sugar, high sodium foods with little to no nutritional value. Starting out a healthier lifestyle proves challenging because their bodies crave those delicious, junk foods that they can’t have anymore. They often switch right back to their old habits.
    And then they try to get healthy again and the process begins again.

    Switching diets back and forth, over and over, can do some real internal damage to your organs.
    How’s that?

  3. Adam says:

    Healthy food is often more expensive unfortunately.
    High protein diets can put strain on kidneys.
    People often understand healthy as low fat which is unhealthy thinking.

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