


The Healthy Food I Eat | Niomi Smart

My favourite healthy food that I eat on a daily basis! Previous Video ‘Who’s Most Likely To’ http://bit.ly/1EsWstn SUBSCRIBE HERE http://bit.ly/1iRMKtw My So…

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  1. Niomi Smart says:

    My favourite kinds of healthy food! Hope you enjoy watching :)

  2. Petrie says:

    But so expensive…. 🙁 would be nice if supermarkets made these products
    more avaliable. I’ve heard that the seeds are all extremely overpriced… 

  3. Jessica Read says:

    I would love to thank Niomi because of this video and her workout video I
    have lost 5 pounds and workout everyday. Thanks Niomi

  4. Eve Bennett says:

    Thanks for this Niomi! I’ve been really struggling with my diet at the
    moment and this really helped! X

  5. Mind Over Munch says:

    I also love almond milk! Have you tried cashew milk? It’s brilliant for
    smoothies because it’s so creamy! I totally have to find some of those oat
    and spelt crackers! Thank you for sharing :)

  6. pinchofpeach says:

    Loved this video! Would love to see more videos with recipes for healthy
    eating. A blog post about your granola would be amazing as well! :)

  7. darkfawn says:

    Ugh, I would love to eat like this. I know it would work so well for me; I
    don’t have a huge appetite usually, and know I would be a lot healthier.
    Unfortunately, I am only 17 and live at home and my parents don’t cook or
    buy anything healthy. My dad’s basically a carnivore and both of my parents
    douse everything in butter and my mom has a huge sweet tooth and is usually
    too lazy to make meals so we have to eat frozen meals, and we’re a skinny
    family but my parents don’t understand that that doesn’t mean we’re
    necessarily healthy, you know? Guess I’ll just have to wait until I live on
    my own to actually get healthy. Only another year or so….

  8. nee fam says:

    Niomi, seriously your hair,skin and nails would not change after a week of
    eating well. It will be months before you can judge….but kudos for moving
    in the right direction and educating your young viewers.

  9. Abbie Rigby says:

    Loved this video Niomi! So helpful especially with you being in the uk
    going to help me a lot! Thank you so much! Loved your videos, love you,
    your such an inspiration, hope my channel grows like yours! All the best
    for the future! Happy New Year!x

  10. DBDTBantibullying says:

    I’m 15 and get bullies for my weight, I’m only size 8/10 but.. Your videos
    really help me xxx

  11. Amber Mulligan says:

    This was so helpful! Can you make an advice video about eating a
    plant-based/vegan diet in social situations? 

  12. Lila Kell says:

    I remember when I was still living with my family and it was difficult to
    eat healthy and exercise. When I moved out I lost 20 pounds in 3 months.
    It’s weird to think but I just think it’s easier. 

  13. Chic Geek says:

    Hi Niomi!
    I love watching your healthy eating videos as I am a vegetarian!
    Congratulations on 1 million subscribers, you deserve all of them!
    I was just wondering could you do a video/blogpost on how you cook quinoa
    because i’d love to know. Thanks x

  14. Hollie Pierpoint says:

    This really helped because I became vegetarian last year in September so I
    don’t eat meat, so this really gave me a few tips and ideas on what else to
    have and I really believe in you Niomi, love you

  15. itscourtneybaby says:

    For all girls out there who want to go vegetarian/vegan, make sure you get
    enough zinc! 

  16. Kathryn Johnson says:

    you inspired me. now I’m vegan and I have lost a stone within the month I
    have been vegan:)

  17. Selina Cheung says:

    I love your plant based diet videos!!

  18. we love minecraft says:

    I watched this video then i started a plant based diet ever since then i
    have gotten thinner! Thank you Niomi!!!

  19. Pavla Balko says:

    Thank you for inspiration Niomi, I really like this video and I’m
    definitelly going to try some of your tips! 🙂 I’m usually not a big fan of
    vegan diet because it seems like many people on this diet just don’t know
    much about biology and what nutritions they actually need and maybe because
    I study biology and I know a tiny little bit about that, it often seems to
    me like a pose when people say they are vegans… but you really seem to
    know what’s good for you and what your body needs and I really like that 🙂
    so big thumbs up! Also, I recetly had to start a gluten free diet so if you
    read this comment and you have some more gluten free tips for me, I would
    appreciate it a lot… like very very very very much! 🙂 Wish you the best

  20. Maebhy Howell says:

    I would love to live like this but it’s so expensive :(. I seriously
    respect you for being able to eat like this, it must be hard!

  21. Holly Brown says:

    I honestly think I’m beyond help with my diet. I was raised vegetarian and
    I have never eaten meat in my entire life but I am addicted to sugary,
    salty, processed crap and junk food. I would love to have the motivation
    and be without the comfort eating and food addictions and start looking
    nice again, but I’m sad because I don’t think this will never change, and
    it gets me down.

  22. Jeanine Last says:

    Can you make a video using Quinoa? Like in a récipe please?
    obssessed with your cannel btw!

  23. twdaddictt says:

    Thank you! I’ve been a vegetarian for about 2 years, and my diet has been
    so bad. As I’m not eating meat and just eating junk. But now I can actually
    eat other things then pasta and junk! Thank you 

  24. Daisy Mayhew says:

    this video is really helpful thank you xxx

  25. Marianne Christophersen says:

    Dear Naomi.

    Rather than spending a lot of money on almond milk, create it yourself it’s
    so easy. All you need is 150 grams of almonds, a little water to soaked
    them in, 1 liter of water for the almond milk and a blender or juice maker.
    The almonds are placed in a bowl and covered with cold water. The soaked in
    the refrigerator overnight. Pour the water off and add 1 liter of fresh
    cold water.

    There are now two ways you can make the almond milk, depending on whether
    you have a blender or juice maker. I have both and prefer to make almond
    milk with my juice maker, I think it makes the most delicious milk.

    Almonds and water blended for a few minutes at full speed.

    Then you run the almond milk through a juice pouch or a fine sieve several
    times, if you want a finer milk.

    Juice maker:
    Almonds and water run through your juice maker. Save the pulp can be used
    in baked goods.

    You can poured the almond milk in airtight bottle and put in the
    refrigerator where it will keep for 3-4 days.

    TIP: Play with the taste and sweetness, for example by adding vanilla
    powder or a few dates.

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