


Q&A: How do I noticeably flatten my abs fast?

Question by Brown eyed girl: How do I noticeably flatten my abs fast?
I’m not fat at all, but whenever I gain weight, it is in my midsection. School starts on August 21, and I want to look my best. Any tips on flattening my stomach? Any healthy living tips would really be appreciated!!
–Please try to be specific! Like how much I should excercise a day and what kind of cardio.

Best answer:

Answer by tobmsmary
a lot of cardio.

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  1. supmanirock23 says:

    Sit-ups is the best way to flatten your abs. That with a good diet like lots of fruits/vegetables for a while shoud flatten your abs relatively quickly.

  2. Rachel M says:

    Just run a lot! and make sure to do lots of situps.

  3. Dani says:

    situups/crunches DON’T flatten your belly, they build your abs, but those are only underneath, it DOES NOT remove the fat on top. if you want a flat belly, you’re gonna have to run to get rid of the fat so you can SEE your abs hiding underneath, wihch you will get from doing crunches. get it?

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