


Practical Paleo Guide | What Do You Really Get From Those Health Food Stores?

A Practical Paleo Guide

To prolong the longevity of life is a goal of science and technology that is continuously worked on. The effort simply cannot stop at any point because the bottom line is, human beings like to live, and they like to live long. Whatever opportunity that can be added to the elixir of life should be taken advantage of and improved upon.

Recently, more people have really taken to heart the words, “Watch what you eat.Their belief is that with the right choice of food and a well made diet plan, one can expect to live a very long and fulfilled life. With this demand for health food stores, the food industry experienced a great rise in business. Although the products in these stores generally cost more than the items found in regular supermarkets and food shops, it is claimed that the initial amount spent is recouped through minimizing the need for doctor’s visits and prescription medicines.

Health Food

Just what can one expect to see inside these health food stores? The products carried in the shops are said to be healthier alternatives to the usual food items most people consume. Here is a list of goods that one can expect to find inside a health food store.


Different kinds of herbs are abundant in these kinds of stores. They are quite popular because they can be added to regular food to augment flavor and, and of course, they provide some health benefits. In addition, taking herbal medicine is considered by many to be therapeutic.


Health supplements are those that enhance the body’s performance by maximizing the nutrients taken from a person’s regular food consumption. These supplements are some of the bestsellers in health food stores.

Low-Calorie, Low Fat

Low-calorie alternatives to diet staples such as milk and meat are also figurative in the line of products sold by these shops. Soy products are among the popular substitutes for these items. The health-boosting qualities of soy make it a heavy-weight in the league of health foods.


Grains are integral to every health food diet plan, and health food stores carry a variety of grains to cater to this need. Shoppers can select their preferred grains whether in their natural form, or as ingredients in other goods like bread and cereal.

Good Junk Food

An assortment of health junk food can also be expected inside a health specialty shop. These items are still considered junk food, but are relatively less harmful than their counterparts.


Of course, health food stores wouldn’t be complete without vegetables. Vegetables are some of the most important cornerstones of a proper and healthy diet.

Stop! Look! Listen!

However, customers of these health food stores should still exercise caution when buying their products. Just because they are labeled healthy doesn’t automatically mean they are, or they are appropriate to consume for a particular person. Here are some of the dangers one can encounter in health food stores.


The objective of any business is to profit. One wouldn’t hear a sales clerk in these shops badmouthing the products. The goal is to sell, so it is natural for the employees of the store to build up an item to make a sale. However, some of the products may carry certain risks for some people.

For example, a person taking medication for an illness may react adversely to a particular vitamin. Without a doctor’s advice, people have to rely on the suggestion of the store clerks, who have no prescription powers. This is not to say that all health food stores will sell whatever to whomever just to turn a profit. This is just a reminder that it can happen, so there is a need to be informed and careful.

False Advertising

There have been cases where products were labeled health food but were actually not as beneficial as they were claimed to be. Simply looking like one and simply being located inside a store that supposedly sells healthy food does not make food healthy. One might not be getting what is needed from the items bought from the store. So, it is still important to check the labels. But more importantly, expert advice should be sought in order to ensure the best possible additions to one’s diet.

One healthy alternative is the practical paleo guide that has plenty of health food recipes. It is also healthier food you can cook.

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  2. Daveigh says:

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