


Phil Heath meal plan

2011 Mr. Olympia Phil Heath showing his meals before Olympia contest in 09 mr olympia the gift meal meals food bodybuilding body building wieght loss weightl…
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For my “FAT LOSS” meal plans, programs & online coaching go to- https://beastmodecoaching.myshopify.com/ —GET 25% off any supplement at iSatori (Code: POG2…

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  1. abdo king says:

    can someone explain me why i see many bodybuilders eating white rice ? isnt
    brown rice better or what?

  2. Commenting From Jail says:

    Why does Phil Heath measure his food with scientific precision, while guys
    like Ronnie Coleman just shove whole chickens with bbq sauce down his
    gullet in one mouthful?

  3. Ralph Zimmermann says:

    why is this guy constantly out of breath… hes always taking in a deep
    breath just from talking…

  4. zRoyland says:

    Does he count his cups of rice cooked or dry?

  5. Amir Kumar Gurung says:

    It would be a shame for you not to build muscle when regular people
    accomplish it easily using Muscle Maker Method (Look it up on google).

  6. DesuOperator says:

    Am I the only one noticing the lack of veggies and fruits here (and I’m not
    talking the sweet potatoes as the main carb source)? I know he said he
    doesn’t do it a whole lot, but damn.

    Don’t get me wrong, I know you need the macros (protein, carbs, fats) but
    I’m sure all that mass also requires some serious vitamins and minerals,
    especially from food. I’m sure those bowel movements must be PAINFUL. I
    mean, I’d be eating some serious berries & spinach & carrots with that
    rice, steak, and fish at least. I know these guys take some multivitamins,
    but damn.

    I saw one of Shawn Ray’s prep vids, and he’s eating salads and all that.

  7. Urdnot Wrex says:

    If anyone can help; egg whites on their own is just plain disgusting and I
    can’t eat it. I just can’t. No matter how hungry I am I wretch and have to
    force feed myself whilst trying not to be sick. I literally can’t eat the
    egg whites without putting something in to make it taste nice like mayo and
    ketchup or leaving a couple of yolks in, but they are all obviously full of
    fats, sugars and salts. Is there a healthy alternative that actually makes
    egg whites taste like food?

  8. Steve Miller says:

    Why would phil even say that he eats steak to increase his natural
    creatine, growth hormone, and testosterone when he most certainly takes
    creatine and injects growth hormone and testosterone? Im not steroid
    bashing but seriously, why even say that?

  9. Talal oO says:

    Heavy breathing damn

  10. James Benton Ticer says:

    How many bowel movements a day do these guys have?

  11. jdaniel2967 says:

    Lost my shit at the steak, “for natural testosterone.” Fucking supplement
    company politics.

  12. Charlie Johnson says:

    eat a ton of protein and take steroids. same recipe they all use.

  13. simon berche says:

    where does he keep his gear ?

  14. AirForceA7x says:

    what do many bodybuilders have against the egg yolk???

  15. Jordan Day says:

    “Fish thins the skin”

  16. South Louisiana says:

    He comes off as super humble,which is rare for bodybuilders….very good

  17. Ming Sher says:

    Hello, have you heard about Skinnimaker System? (Google it) You will learn
    about the serious crimes we commit against ourselves. With Skinnimaker
    System, you will discover how to shed pounds quickly.

  18. Lila Gaire says:

    It would be a shame for you not to lose weight when these other people do
    it so easily using Fat Blast Furnace (check it out on Google).

  19. Angle Angie says:

    Kai Greene is better than Phil but , Phil makes more money for the
    supplement company’s by staying MR Olympia etc etc ..

  20. James Bond says:

    If I was a bodybuilder, the eating part would be easy. I can pretty much
    eat all day if I don’t consciously stop myself. I’m 6’0″ 180lbs, so I’m not
    fat, but I can easily get fat if I wasn’t careful with what I eat.
    If I didn’t care about my appearance, and I had the money for it, I would
    buy birthday cakes and eat the whole thing at once. I could literally do
    that. Not sure why I’m always hungry.

  21. ventende says:

    There’s been some vegetarian pro bb’s, they did pretty well. I know a
    couple myself. Look at the very powerful gorilla, it maintains a lot of
    muscle mass and strength eating almost only vegetarian food. They do eat
    some insects containing protein. Insects are a very interesting food source
    also for humans. Future food.

  22. Jan Benkwitz says:

    Eat low fat curd and greek joghurt mixed with whey it is fucking cheap but
    you get all your protein

  23. theonetonchallenge says:

    Ya…he eats steak to increase his natural testosterone and gh….why do
    these guy insist on putting in these bullsh%t plugs in their videos that
    dont make sense? Cant even listen to this. Just dont say anything, no sense
    in making a fool of yourself. As if the food would do that to any
    noteworthy extent, and their bodies are so high on synthetic it wouldn’t
    recognize a natural boost nyways…lol

  24. per thor says:

    god 95%+ of bodybuilding is hard tedious work and boring food. Genetic
    manipulation will be grate when it hits the main stream.

  25. Victor K. Mayfield says:

    Sounds like he’s having a hard time catching his breath…guess you gotta
    breath overtime to oxygenate all that extra muscle.

  26. Enrique Rodriguez says:

    I need a meal plan for massive gains. I’m 21 6’0 and I weigh about 130 and
    my metabolism is ridiculously fast and I’m aiming for 175 so I know I need
    a huge calorie intake. But what kinds of meals can I eat over what period
    of time and how much is it going to burn my pocket?? 

  27. Gjvon G says:

    No offense, your body was already structured to be that thin. See “before
    pudge.” All you did was pretty much starve your body and did lots of
    cardio. Good job but, anyone that weighs <140 pounds can get these results
    this fast. 

  28. Zion Rangikauwhata says:

    hey +PhysiquesOfGreatness I’m looking at jumping on your 180 – 195 meal
    plan, I’m 185lb looking to get at 200 -210 lb but of lean muscle, do you
    recommend me to bulk first and the get lean? will this meal plan get me to
    my goal? i start training this coming monday and I’m real serious about
    what i want to do, if you could reply to this that would be great and
    should i jump on your 180 – 195 training plan to? thanks!!! 

  29. shadowradiohead says:

    Chris, would you be willing to possibly give a sample of what’s inside the
    meal plan? I don’t need help training, but eating is kind of difficult
    because I get hungry and such and it makes fat loss difficult. I’m around
    195lbs or so, and I train 5-6 days a week and I don’t want to get on a plan
    if the macro ratios or calorie amounts are too low or too high, you feel
    me? I’m just wondering, because I’m thinking of jumping on this meal plan
    and I don’t want it to not work.

  30. decimus81 says:

    abs = low body fat, nothing magic about it really

  31. Antonio Manzano says:

    i went from 160 to 205, dedication and eating and eating like a fat

  32. Cody Austin says:

    Anyone doing the meal plan, would you say that it’s worth the money? Having
    trouble cutting and I’m considering starting this?

  33. Tavaris Bates says:

    just bought my plan Mr. Jones. POG here in Houston also not just weak

  34. Lawson Sok says:


  35. Danielle Moon says:

    That’s amazing 

  36. elasdickband027 says:

    This guy needs to get his stomach checked out, that protrusion does not
    look natural.

  37. Luka Mitrovic says:

    1:31 that guy has the same iphone mask as me lol

  38. Vanilla Zilla says:

    Chris did this skinny cunt eat Bruno?
    There is something very fucking weird about the shape of his stomach.

  39. Wallace Thompson says:

    +thecanadianwill did you not hear him acknowledge that he was skinny and
    was going to start bulking. Too bad all that muscle can’t boost toughness.
    A big bitch with muscle is just a muscle bound bitch

  40. cooperrush76 says:

    i wish to show that it’s real they would show the dates like on a phone so
    we know it’s was really 7 weeks

  41. Gary Kenyon says:

    Hey Chris, I’ve been looking at your meal plans for a minute but not sure
    on which one to select. Question is should I start with 160-175lbs meal
    plan or 180-195lbs meal plan? or since I want to cut and get big should I
    use try your 160-175lbs meal plan with your 180-195 training program?

    My goals for this year are to be 10% body fat with a hopeful sixpack by the
    end of summer and weigh in at 195lbs. I gain weight really easily but I’m
    not sure if I should cut first to 10% body fat or is it possible to cut and
    get big at the same time… My current stats are 5’8.5″ at 183lbs.

    Any direction before I blindly select a plan would be awesome! Thanks man!!

  42. Ricky Torres says:

    Good Job!

  43. Christian Viramontes says:

    Yo how can I have abs like him? I’m basically the same plz reply 

  44. Carlos Flores says:

    Damn this is some Mike change bullshit, I don’t know why I’m subscribed to
    you guys anymore…

  45. JRWolfgang1 says:

    Awesome progress so far bro. Keep up the good work.

  46. PulseEyeBlu says:

    This inspired me; I’m really considering Chris’ program now.

  47. Handsome Vlad says:

    0:26 Did Chris just say “trashformation” video? Loll…..

  48. Ben David says:

    Funny how people look bigger the leaner they are

  49. michaellax46 says:

    Could you make a program for younger guys like 130-150 program?

  50. Sol Guerin says:

    Dude’s got a Xenomorph about to burst out of his stomach in the before

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