


How To Get A Bikini Body in 2015

So today I decided to show you a yummy diet plan with easy DIY meals and snacks for a healthy start to the New Year! LET’S GET THIS TO 100000 LIKES!!! Our video on Cassey’s channel!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

http://www.encompassnutrients.com/store/ As a teen you may think that things are pretty easy right now and one doesn’t have to worry about their health or well-being of their body and they…

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  1. theMoporter says:

    What’s the fucking point? Why do we even continue living in a world like

  2. Kylee James says:

    It annoys me how Cassey tries to be cool and act young because she’s just
    not good at it. Not trying to start a fit but its true.

  3. PrimadonnaGirl95 says:

    How to get a bikini body:
    1. Have a body
    2. Have a bikini
    3. Forget about dieting and feeling insecure.
    4. Put the bikini on and viola!

  4. Bri Vanegas says:

    I just can’t stay healthy I love food too much

  5. Lydia Lane says:

    Cassey is the best XD and i loveee Almond butter im so sad because i want
    to eat all of this but i have like NONE of the ingredients required =(

  6. lpsrockstar4 says:

    wow a beauty guru who actually uses HEALTHY food ideas for a healthy food
    ideas video

  7. Noor Eljdid says:

    cassey is the best

  8. nakita stone says:

    Was it just me watching this while eating a tub of icecream , yes

  9. Tulpje0010 says:


  10. Lucille Babel says:

    You’re awesome! Just recently discovered your channel, and I’m becoming
    insanely obsessed! :)) <3
    PS May I ask which editor you're using? 🙂 

  11. Rita Green says:

    the problem with these videos is that after watching them I am more hungry
    than usual lol 

  12. Priya Ahuja says:

    team avocado yaas

  13. Zangy 21 says:

    Meg? What’s that song playing at 5:35 called?

  14. Lou S says:

    Soooo, how do you get berries in december that aren’t disgusting frozen or
    filled with chemicals fruits?

  15. Bubblyworld13 says:

    It may be healthy but it’s also expensive… :/

  16. PerfectPolishEveryTime says:

    Great video Meg! :)

  17. Rodly louis says:

    I tried but the fast food was calling my name!!

  18. M Cook can we get 100 subs says:

    Whats agave 

  19. Hannah Spiers says:

    Probably should of watched this 3 months ago when it wasn’t summer…

  20. Eisher Talwar says:

    Is it just me or does Meg look like Zoella !!?

  21. kristina bieber says:

    Where does she get all the songs from? Anyone help?

  22. Kayla Blah says:

    Hey guys, I’m a small YouTuber, so does anyone want to be YouTube friends?
    i’ll sub back :)

  23. Adelina Maria says:

    I started to eat healthier and to drink homemade juice and it feels a lot
    better. My double chin got away and i’ll be trying to do this diet, ty ,

  24. kaydee May says:

    Soo I really love the idea of the second recipe because I have a peanut

  25. Araceli Go says:

    Eziquiel hahahaaha that’s my friend’s name

  26. Alan Morgan says:

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