


How To Eat Healthy

Here’s a list of 10 simple Tips on How to Eat Healthy that I find extremely helpful in keeping me on track, so I wanted to share it with you all. ♥ INSTAGRAM…

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    I personally hate soda… its too sugary…

  2. Aditi T says:

    Where have you been?!

  3. lakshmi priya says:

    Great Information, thank you!

    I have almost ruined myself by dieting in order to reduce weight and my
    family was very worried, because i use to gain and loose weight abruptly.

    Luckily, I started using this “How To Eat” mobile app by lokesh which made
    me eat the right foods and in right way and using a game like points
    etc.and made it funny!

    now, i have reduce weight in a clean way

  4. ubs says:

    Thanks. We regularly miss meals or eat too fast, which can put a great
    strain on our gastro-intestinal tract; we eat diets rich in refined sugar,
    cholesterol and salt ( which appeal to our sense of taste ) and low in
    fiber, which puts a strain on the eliminative processes as these types of
    food remain in the colon for a long time, increasing the risk of a build-up
    of toxins. 

  5. aliyah jones says:

    Thanks! This helped a lot!

  6. CuteCrystalz says:

    thank eu so much

  7. Tan ling says:

    Leyla!!! What do you think of dried fruits? :)

  8. Bridget Lively says:

    This is sooooooo perfect and simple! I absolutely love this video and you!

  9. Rauf Guliyev says:
  10. luiza2021 says:

    I try to eat healthy but is so expensive!I mean I wanted to buy 250 grams
    of blueberries and they were like 6 $ and my salary is about 170
    $/month.This means if I want to eat one portion every day it’s not enough
    money:)).So I guess it’s not so easy to eat healthy if you don’t have
    enough money.And I’m not complaining so much because I think at all those
    children in Somalia and other african countries that don’t have any food:(

  11. JoJoFashoo23 says:

    Hi (: I love eating salad and putting so much ranch dressing on top . I was
    just wondering if you can tell me a healthy dressing for salads ? Please
    respond . Thank you .

  12. annie walmsley says:

    what if t thanksgiving

  13. Anisha C says:

    Hey leyla thanks for the informative video and helping us always! The
    lighting in this video is very dull and not attractive..just some
    constructive criticism to keep people interested. P.S. your hair in this
    video looks amazing and luscious..are you wearing your luxy’s?

  14. mille baci says:

    welfare pays more than that?

  15. Karima Laacheri says:

    Great tips!

  16. María Lorena Narváez Espinosa says:

    Leyla i just found your channel and its super cool. I need a little bit of
    help. I know exactly what i need to eat to keep healthy. I’m skinny and i
    do work out regularly, but I’m bullimic. I eat a lot a lot a lot and
    then..you know. The thing is a have a frienemy relationship with food, not
    healthy as veggies and fruit, that i love. but the rest of food. how can i
    stop this “cravings”. ?

  17. Sullenstone says:

    Excellent tips! I’ve been following almost all of these for the past few
    months and I’m slowly feeling the difference in my body. You have no idea
    how the first two tips saved me time and money. They also force you to eat
    healthy since you don’t have the excuse of not having time and reaching for
    junk food.

  18. Sarah Alaydarous says:

    draw your life plz>>>>

  19. getfitwithleyla says:

    I couldn’t be happier to hear that! Keep up the great work! xo 🙂

  20. sim kaur says:

    hey leyla can you make a video on your new house like a tour please

  21. Nota SizeZero says:

    Is that “The EveryGirls Guide to Life” book by Maria M??…I love that
    book!!..What did you think about it?

  22. kristennx39 says:

    what does alkalizing mean?

  23. Paramvir Dhesi says:

    Can you make a video on the way you have your hair in this video

  24. mac77oasis says:

    How long do we soak almonds and other nuts for?

  25. getfitwithleyla says:

    That’s a good idea.. I might just do it 🙂

  26. Bauss says:

    Cute as pie You are adorable thanks for the vid.

  27. greengurlg7 says:

    can you do a video on your workout routine? like wait you focus on (cardio,
    strength, etc) and maybe your favorite moves or activities?

  28. SkinnyGirl125 says:

    Show a video of different ways you cook the chicken.

  29. Mszjackiechu says:

    Yes! Korean markets, but gochujang isn’t really a “hot sauce”, its a red
    pepper paste you use to cook soups and dishes with. Some people use it for
    dipping but if thats what you want i’d suggest sriracha instead

  30. xoxfiftyytwo says:

    oh wow, seriously? That’s actually great to hear! I’ve always hated buying
    organic…. =____=” Barely ever did to begin with. That’s really a load off
    my back to know though. thanks

  31. mich2014 says:

    pleasee pleaseee do recepies! because i totally suck at cooking so it will
    be quite helpful!

  32. Emily Hale says:

    Well said, I agree good food is well worth spending your money on. Plus our
    farmers markets are expensive for veggies but the meat is pretty cheap,
    especially the burgers and they usually 90-100% beef, which is much better
    than the 60-70% more expensive ones in the stores.

  33. BeautyAdz06 says:

    I live in Australia and it is really expensive compared to most, if not all
    countries. We also don’t get things in very big bulk packages like America
    so that is a big bummer 🙁

  34. LorennaCoco says:

    You’re so pretty.. Loooove your hair*-*

  35. Mszjackiechu says:

    My hair isn’t dyed but thank you 🙂

  36. PearlySwirls says:

    are you Cantonese? u look so Korean lol but it doesn’t matter you’re so
    pretty 😀

  37. Bei Zhang says:

    You are so pretty~~

  38. Paulina says:

    This was really useful! 🙂 I have a question though, what about in the
    weekends do you still eat healthy?

  39. zenicgoddess says:

    May I ask if there’s a reason behind that? I talked myself into only
    buying organic junk food because its a cheap trade and if im going to
    eat… crap i might as well eat good crap lol

  40. praiseforhaven says:

    Do you live in San Diego? 😮

  41. Mszjackiechu says:

    Yea its brown 🙂 Its always been haha my hair has never been dark, even as
    a kid

  42. Nick Wilson says:

    So buy strawberries, oat meal, bananas, and chicken….got it….

  43. Mszjackiechu says:

    I never buy organics, haha

  44. Dakota0204 says:

    I recently visited friends in California and they told me about Sprouts! I
    wish we had one here in NJ!

  45. lisalin says:

    I love Korean supermarkets 🙂

  46. Style by Sophia says:

    It’s not that pricey to eat healthy in my opinion! I spend about $70/week
    on groceries, but I rarely eat out so it comes out to be $10/day which is
    really not that expensive at all!

  47. abcd777ish says:

    Are you korean

  48. Mszjackiechu says:

    Breakfast and thats it. For the most part I eat what I want on the weekends

  49. Hana Kim says:

    Assi, Hmart, _____ market, tradrs joes?

  50. Noah isFlawless says:

    also, can u do a video on ur fav recipes? or even snacks that u enjoy
    eating that would be helpful!

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