


How to eat healthy on a budget?

Question by MsMiso: How to eat healthy on a budget?
I really want to eat healthier and more vegetarian meals, but I dont have a lot of money to spend on weird ingredients and Im not good at making super complicated dishes. Any suggestions? I have yet to find a healthy cookbook or recipes that that I could do on a budget.

Best answer:

Answer by Tim
Anything from the Fresca menu at Taco Bell

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  1. Kert says:

    I eat fresh or frozen w/o added sugar for breakfast. I buy large bags of frozen vegetables and make a hot vegetable salad w/low fat dressing or baked potato with the same dressing for lunch. I live alone so when I cook for dinner I make enough for 3 or 4 meals and freeze it. then fruit for a late night snack. I only dribk water, coffee or iced tea w/ sugar substitute. No soda even diet isn’t good too muxh salt. Fruit juice is also a no no . Loaded with calorie plus they remove the fiber so it isn’t filling.

    Also you should only weigh yourself once a month on the same day of the month. More than that and you might become discouraged. Never eat in front of the tv. Meals are eaten at the table. Once a week reward yourself with a candy bar or scoop of ice cream. Do not say well I’ll weigh myself and lost something then I’ll reward myself. No, you get the reward for sticking to your diet. Some weeks you will do everything right but not lose anything. That’s why you only weigh yourself once a month. If your dieting properly you can count on lossing 3to4 pound per month.

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