


How many calories are in a healthy meal?

Question by jessica_mahaffy: How many calories are in a healthy meal?
How many calories are in a healthy meal?

Best answer:

Answer by Zettey
Depends on what the healthy meal consists of. Food can have alot of calories and still be healthy. It can also be low in calories and be healthy. I would say 350 is decent. It also depends on how amny meals a day your eating. if your doing 6 meals a day then you might want smaller amounts of calories at each meal. if your doing 3 meals a day you want larger. Women should eat no less than 1200 a day and men well i guess 1500 -2000

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  1. McCain '08 Baby!! says:

    for one meal, it should be like around 400-500. But it depend on your body mass

  2. Ant Boogie says:

    depends on your current bodyweight and your current goal.

  3. Katie says:

    It depends what meal your eating…if it’s breakfast, it should be anywhere from 200-400 calories because you need to jumpstart your day.

    Lunch should be anywhere from 200-400

    Dinner should be light, like 250 or less.

    Snacks between the meals keep you going as well…
    This is just my way of thinking, how I usually eat…it’s not professional or taken from a website.

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