


How long is it before you start to see the benefits of eating healthy?

Question by xoxo: How long is it before you start to see the benefits of eating healthy?
I used to be a junk food junky but I started to eat healthy 2 weeks ago. I am eating a ton of raw veggies and fruits along with lean meat and some dairy. I cut out all junk food. What are the changes that will occur in my body from this new lifestyle? How long will it take to see these changes?
Yeah, I feel really good mentally and I think I lost a lot of water weight from having less salt.

Best answer:

Answer by Irish
Should be right now. After two weeks of no sodium alone should make you feel better. Just stay with it.

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  1. Cadillac C says:

    It takes 4 to 6 weeks to turn your system around and discharge the toxins and extra stored fats. After that you will start to notice a change in your energy levels and sleep. After a while your weight will start to change to suit your body. Be active. Not exercise crazy. Just active, and this will assist the change. Avoid soft drinks and the like and any sugary drinks. They will just slow down the process. At all times avoid anything deep fried or your efforts will be for nothing.

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