


How can I curb my appetite for sugar? I’ve tried the lower glycemic index foods?

Question by : How can I curb my appetite for sugar? I’ve tried the lower glycemic index foods?
How can I curb my appetite for sugar? I’ve tried the lower glycemic index foods

Best answer:

Answer by Diabetic Village
Please try eating sugar that comes naturally from fruits and not table sugar — > table sugar is more dangerous but sugar that comes from fruits is natural and has low glycemic levels..

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Portioning your glycemic foods is significant too, so your intakes on a daily basis should be no more than 1500 calories and depending on your body mass and height (e.g. 1 gram = 1 pound); hydrate yourself at all times with good potable water; and also aim for low sodium foods and bland or soft diets; read more info from http://healthyeatsrecipesreview.com or click on[ healthy eats recipes review.com ], and that’s the key to stay in optimum health and wellness

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  1. noni says:

    The more protein I eat the less sugar I crave, maybe you will notice the same thing? Starches and sugars trigger insulin release and insulin increases appetite. keep that in mind.

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