


HEALTHY FOODS The Best Way To Live A Long Life !!

http://tiny.cc/organicfoods healthy foods Get free healthy samples healthy foods healthy food healthy food healthy eating.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

response to an email.sorry its not the best http://preparedchristian.net/food-storage-part-two-the-kinds-of-food-can-you-store/ http://www.stilltasty.com/art…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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  1. boz6969123 says:

    YOUR WRONG JACOB!!! your vid was VERY INFORMATIVE!! thanx!,boz

  2. danmo43 says:

    I had been wondering about this stuff. I was bottling tap water because our
    water is so treated figuring it would last longer plus figuring the
    “treatment” would calm down over time. I was also bottling it in washed out
    2 liter drink bottles because they are designed to withstand pressure but I
    had wondered how long it would be good for. As an addition, I have been
    buying the little canned hams. I noticed on the label, they are good for 5
    years. Your stuff is always good, Jacob. Thanks!

  3. device4truth . says:

    you had quickly mentioned checking into the buckets;) check out your local
    grocery/deli..They throw away so mannnnyyyy of those type of containers and
    generally will be happy for you to take them..I ask for a few atleast once
    a month from Krogers, they stack well and are great for rice/beans/oats
    ect.. I’m also dirt broke tooX_x The fact that they are free<3makes it even
    better- thanks for the vid great reminder*

  4. SandyzSerious says:

    Excellent, video!

  5. IronRangeSurvival says:

    Great share my friend…there is much information on the internet regarding
    those things you want to do, and the things you should know how to do; just
    in case. Beans and Rice = complete protein. I use lots of 5gal buckets.
    They seal, can be moved easily; and dumped/buried. Honey works great for
    food and medical. A good one is use HAND-WARMERS for oxygen absorbers. Let
    em start to get warm, throw them into the container and seal it. Much
    cheaper. ALSO the pop top canned good lids can fail.

  6. oOoSoldieroOo says:

    im learning as i go 😀

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