


Healthy Food!!!

All of Katherine’s food keeps turning healthy! Music: Bright Wish, Frost Waltz, Despair and Triumph By: Kevin MacLeod.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. iHas NoCookie says:

    the reason their was vegtables in your trix box cause it is a trick box

  2. Yakira Payne says:

    Your healthy food song is very fantastic

  3. Katherin Barillas says:

    Healthy Food!!!: http://youtu.be/DW5QTqZrCFE

  4. Nicholas McConnell says:

    Get it?
    Katherine’s junk food kept turning healthy.
    For Rachael, the situation was opposite: a healthy snack turned to junk.
    And that’s why Katherine snatched it.
    Say, what did Rachael’s banana turn into??

  5. SevenSuperGirls says:
  6. Amber Aslam says:

    2:34 oh my god!!!lol

  7. Anna Ferraz says:

    Popcorn Is healthy….

  8. Lps Seahoures says:

    Vegetable ARE good for YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Nur Syafiqa says:

    Rachael: I love healthy foods. Especially bananas. Rachael: WHAT IN THE

  10. Danielle Bennett says:

    There probably wasn’t already vegetables in the Trix box they just put it
    in there so it would look like she was going to eat Trix but they put
    vegetables in there but good job great wisdom love u Katherine and Rachel

  11. funnyface 345 says:


  12. Marriah Negroni says:

    This has 3 million views because o.o …? I mean it was cute but I’m

  13. Dummydum dum123 says:

    Let’s start a story….

    Once upon a time there was a girl name Sarah and….

  14. Cute Girl G&V says:

    SHE SAID: what in the NABOSHABABAMA happened to my banana :)

  15. Rhianon Broadbent says:

    i really like your vids watch u all the time

  16. Ashley Gonzale says:

    How did Katherine get the carrot into the snicker bar if the rapper was

  17. Lashay Schweisfurth says:

    I had a day like that once where I was only allowed fruit veggies

  18. Ava Thomas says:

    i do not like healthy snacks. i’m trying to eat healthy!

  19. Brandon Mann says:

    Funny! This is a girl speaking

  20. Viri Miramontes says:

    Say selena 3 times then check your voice

  21. Fernanda Castillo says:

    What the heck im reading my comment like two months later WTH

  22. Mon Gee says:

    Lol pause at 2:50

  23. Savannah Bain says:

    What in the name of mishugababa happend to my banana!?

  24. Ishana Chen says:

    Ha ha

  25. acis70 says:

    What in the name of mashimobama happen to my banana! LOL

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