


Health & Diet (Nutrition) Tips! ♥ (+ FAQ!)

Hi beautiful! Thanks for watching ♥ Thumbs up if you found this helpful! 🙂 Think STRONG not skinny – you will get a lot further with a smart and healthy att…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Dr. Robert Baron, UCSF Professor of Medicine and Associate Dean for Graduate and Continuing Medical Education, explains that you…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. shakchyat rana says:

    hey it will be really useful for you

  2. kelash shrestha says:

    Just Google Skinnimaker System and you will discover how certain foods
    ‘explode’ in your stomach.

  3. Katie G. says:

    This is so inspiring, thank you so much for making this video. Wow that’s
    incredible that you have lost so much weight and you look INCREDIBLE 😀 I
    love that you say we have the power to change our weight if we want, which
    is something I think we all take for granted a lot or scoff at. It really
    does all come down to clean eating and exercise like you said.

    I’m also really curious about the no-wheat thing as that has seemed to pop
    up a lot for me lately! Might want to give that a go :D

  4. Oshane-lee Henry says:

    Are you Jamaican! 

  5. Conny van der Meer says:

    I really didn’t think you would be tall. Your face looks like the face of a
    cute petite short girl haha.

  6. Sarah van G says:

    Thank you for making this video!! I found it really anoying btw that I had
    to pee so much, so I don’t drink a lot of water. It’s pretty bad, but

  7. Minetzki TM says:

    You inspire me a lot to be beautiful inside and out. God bless you, Annie!♥

    Minet from Philippines :-*

  8. Kim Lim says:

    Can you do videos on how to eat your daily routine.. I like to see you to
    see what you do everyday with foods .

  9. shamil rosario says:

    I want to see pictures of when you were chubby, lol i can’t imagine you
    over weight. 

  10. BeautyLovers says:

    I’m a new subscriber 🙂 I’ve been watching a lot of your videos and I’m
    finding them all very helpful and informative 🙂 thanks you so much for
    spending so much time on them 🙂 xoxo

  11. Mediterranean Book says:

    Great diet tips.
    Have you tried Mediterranean Diet?
    It’s healthy and amazingly effective.

  12. mnhm gadka says:

    thanks smart

  13. Yook Sungjae says:

    Thank you Annie ^_^ You are gorgeous!

  14. Alina Ermolaeva says:

    How many calories do you eat a day? By the way, is craving fruit bad? I eat
    healthy, but I eat a loooot of fruit. And my belly is big because of that. 

  15. garcinia cambogia says:

    http://goo.gl/NfTSD4 best weight loss supplement

  16. Lujain x says:

    annie rice doesn’t contain wheat 🙂 i’m sure about this 

  17. Imge Erton says:

    you are a great speaker!

  18. Kimberly Aranda says:

    Also if you want to drink juice or something that has a lot of sugar you
    can just fill up a cup or water bottle with a fruit or fruits you like add
    water and it will taste so good it’s sweet, it doesn’t have a lot of sugar
    and the drink is light. Also I love the video:)

  19. nicole mm says:

    Hi, do you eat brown rice, wheat bread, & yogurt? 

  20. Brenda Gaines says:

    Good advice..and it works! every little bit helps.

  21. Lila Gaire says:

    Discover the fat burning machine that lies hidden in your body. Go Google
    Fat Blast Furnace to activate it.

  22. earthenidiot says:

    Great tips Annie

  23. Cheryl Ledger says:

    Hi , because I’m quite big for a twelve yr old and I really wanted to know
    if u can give me some tips on what I could have in my packed lunch instead
    of sandwiches and crisps , I have an apple and banana or an orange but I
    just wanted to know if you could help me ? Xxx thankyou

  24. Bboyflare14 says:

    Best diet is from NUTRILITE
    Check my page under weight management. You will lose 18-20 lb in one month


  25. Carlin Toland says:

    help, how do I lose weight?

  26. joe schmo says:

    Does anyone else find it so strange that the people are being scolded for
    eating an unhealthy diet when the cheapest and most readily available food
    in the environment is unhealthy? Looking at it from my current
    perspective, it’s actually laughable the incongruity of the whole
    situation. It’s like the health officials find it frustrating that no one
    will follow their guidelines. People are going to eat what is cheap and
    readily available in the environment. Plain and simple. I think America is
    going to fail in the next 50 to 100 years if it continues with the
    contradictory path of giving capitalism free reign and claiming that it is
    up to the individual to make wise choices.

    It’s pure fantasy to imagine such a policy is sustainable.

  27. Bill Gates says:

    Congratulations, now you know what we thought was healthy in the last
    century. The scientific consensus has been building recently that our
    ancestors had it right… For example, read the NYT article “What if it’s
    all been a big fat lie?” You don’t need to be afraid of healthy saturated
    fats like this guy is.

    We’ve been eating white bread, margarine, fat-free everything, breakfast
    cereal, etc. like this guy is advocating for decades and we’re sicker than

  28. dly311 says:

    At the end of the day this guy is fat himself so….

  29. chow puppy says:

    I couldn’t find the slides online. However, I had been making notes along
    the way so I could revisit some of the material later. For those of you
    who might have a hard time setting aside two hours to watch this, here’s my
    slide summary:

    0:05:40 – US Leading Causes of Death, CDC
    0:06:50 – Lifestyle and Disease
    0:08:00 – Genetics vs. Behavior
    0:09:45 – Increased calorie consumption in the US
    0:10:45 – Top Calorie Sources in the US
    0:12:35 – Restaurant Calories
    0:13:35 – Calories in Restaurant Food
    0:15:30 – Macronutrients
    0:18:10 – Reading a Food Label
    0:22:10 – Recommended Intakes for Macronutrients
    0:25:10 – Micronutrients (vitamins & minerals)
    0:28:05 – Helpful and Harmful Foods
    0:31:55 – Nutrient Density 1
    0:33:00 – Nutrient Density 2
    0:34:15 – Nutrient Density 3
    0:35:30 – Phytochemicals
    0:39:10 – Enriched vs. Fortified Foods
    0:41:20 – Functional Foods
    0:44:50 – Principles of a Healthy Diet
    0:47:05 – Food Groups 1956
    0:48:35 – Food Groups 1992
    0:50:30 – Actual US Intake
    0:51:15 – MyPlate 1
    0:52:10 – MyPlate 2
    0:54:00 – Dietary Guidelines for Americans 1
    0:55:05 – Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2
    0:56:15 – Dietary Guidelines for Americans 3
    0:56:30 – Refined Grains
    0:57:10 – Serving of Grain
    0:58:50 – Whole Grains
    1:00:15 – Estimating Portion Sizes
    1:01:10 – Way Too Much Added Sugar
    1:02:50 – Added Sugar in Other Foods
    1:06:20 – Dietary Guidelines – Sodium 1
    1:08:00 – Dietary Guidelines – Sodium 2
    1:10:15 – Salt and Public Policy
    1:13:25 – Where is the Salt?
    1:16:40 – Top Sodium Sources in the US
    1:19:40 – Sources of Salt in US Diet
    1:20:00 – Mediterranean Diet
    1:21:30 – Harvard School Healthy Plate
    1:23:35 – Mediterranean Diet Study
    1:27:30 – Adding an Ounce of Nuts
    1:29:55 – Vegetarian Diets
    1:33:45 – Dietary Guidelines 2010
    1:35:55 – Michael Pollan’s Three Rules
    1:36:10 – Baron’s Rules
    1:38:40 – For More Information

  30. Ricky Sandman says:

    ☼ *Sun will shine for mankind if the truth is revealed* ☼

    *Be the solution*

  31. LeMotMista says:

    I don’t know about other viewers, but I am truly skeptical about nutrition
    advice from experts who are visibly chubby/flabby/fat, like this guy. Do
    they or don’t they follow their own advice? Either way, it doesn’t appear
    to be working for them… And yes, people, this guy may be ambulatory, great.
    But I bet he can’t jog three miles without stopping…

  32. Al Sunshine says:

    Poor talk.

  33. Marios Lysandrides says:

    Come on people! Talk about shooting the messenger and avoiding the message.
    Who cares if he’s a glutton and a sloth he makes a whole lot of sence.
    Somethings wrong in the state of Denmark and only a few people have the
    guts to openly discuss what that is! In europe we dont even put frucotse on
    our labels we only put “sugar added” which is a problem as we actually dont
    know what’s being added to our food.
    Him being a schollar and researcher just makes it more trustworthy as
    opposed to a self-proclaimed diet evangelists out there. 

  34. thriveni saidam says:

    Great Information, thank you!

    I have almost ruined myself by dieting in order to reduce weight and my
    family was very worried, because i use to gain and loose weight abruptly.

    Luckily, I started using this “How To Eat” mobile app by lokesh which made
    me eat the right foods and in right way and using a game like points
    etc.and made it funny!

    now, i have reduce weight in a clean way

  35. Luis Galarza says:

    *Principles of a Healthy Diet: How Do We Know What to Eat?*

    Video: Principles of a Healthy Diet: How Do We Know What to Eat?

    #healthytips #nutrition #diet #vitamin #pleasantonca #california

  36. BringOn TheLard says:

    Wanna get every essential nutrient? Eat eggs and animals, including their
    organs, like the liver. Look up Essential Nutrients on Wikipedia. Then
    follow each and look at the sources to find those nutrients. Might find a
    plant here or there that contains more of a particular nutrient, but
    nothing but meat and eggs contain ALL. 

  37. SuperSlow Zone Pleasanton says:

    *Principles of a Healthy Diet: How Do We Know What to Eat?*

    Video: Principles of a Healthy Diet: How Do We Know What to Eat?

    #healthytips #nutrition #diet #vitamin #pleasantonca #california

  38. nataliadie says:

    Doctor, pls get rid of your insulin and leptin resistance and then come
    back and give us a lecture on what we should eat…. sorry for being this

  39. BringOn TheLard says:

    1:56 Vitamin D doesn’t naturally exist in milk? Maybe in the pasteurized
    crap in the grocery stores. That’s why it’s added back in. Ugh. He spouts
    the exact same nonsense we’ve been hearing for 30+ years, mixes it up a
    bit, and then presents it as new? I’ll go ahead and finish watching. But
    this sounds like the same dogma that’s caused the obesity and diabetes
    epidemics we’re dealing with now. 

  40. Personal Fitness Trainers Plum PA says:

    *Principles of a Healthy Diet: How Do We Know What to Eat?*

    Video: Principles of a Healthy Diet: How Do We Know What to Eat?

    #healthytips #nutrition #diet #vitamin #pleasantonca #california

  41. Zach Williams says:

    Principles of a Healthy Diet: How Do We Know What to Eat?

  42. Giles Lieb says:

    *Principles of a Healthy Diet: How Do We Know What to Eat?*

    Video: Principles of a Healthy Diet: How Do We Know What to Eat?

    #healthytips #nutrition #diet #vitamin #pleasantonca #california

  43. Steven Cleghorn says:
  44. windalfin culmen says:
  45. Funny And Inspiration says:

    *Principles of a Healthy Diet: How Do We Know What to Eat?*

    Video: Principles of a Healthy Diet: How Do We Know What to Eat?

    #healthytips #nutrition #diet #vitamin #pleasantonca #california

  46. What's Trending Now says:

    *Principles of a Healthy Diet: How Do We Know What to Eat?*

    Video: Principles of a Healthy Diet: How Do We Know What to Eat?

    #healthytips #nutrition #diet #vitamin #pleasantonca #california

  47. As We says:

    would be interested to hear a bit more about his take on red meat,
    especially the mechanisms in which it facilitates health issues and maybe
    other perspectives on why its considered bad and if its the meats fault or
    the way its grown.(diet of cows/hormones/antibiotics) maybe also his
    perspective on polyunsaturated fats and inflammation more broadly and how
    these things effect the body/disease.

  48. moneyman10k says:

    Incredible video from a true expert. This is many, many years of work
    subtly summarized in 2 hours. Watch this a couple times and skip the TV
    shows and the diet fads.

  49. digitalblasphemy1100 says:

    NOOOOO!!!! just favorite the video and come back to it. your browser should
    remember where you left off and pick right back up.

  50. Billy Healey says:

    Ironic that the ad that played before this was for “Twix” bars. #justsaying

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