


good diets?

Question by ♥ Laughs a lot ♥: good diets?
I’m not fat so i don’t want to lose a lot of weight. Just enough so i look good in my swimsuit. Any tips that could help me get in shape (or look that way) fast? Any good diets, good exercises, etc.?

Best answer:

Answer by kimber2989
special k .. i lost 6 pounds which is what i waanted to in 2 weeks

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Yes, eating healthy eats and following healthy eats recipes such as the renegade recipes guide. Click Here! will definitely help to keep you fit and healthy.

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  1. bebisoline says:

    Diets don’t work.
    Weight watchers does.
    Haven’t you seen the commercial?
    just eat moderatly, don’t eat late at night, exercise and hour a day, and find more active acticities to do.
    Like shopping, riding your bike, roller blading.

  2. LeAnnaFaith says:

    Def try portion control. also work out for an hour a day 3 to 4 times a week.

  3. morenita says:

    try to eat only protein and low sougar or low carb. for 3 days at leats and afther that you will loose haa and a llot of wather.

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