


Give me an opinion and tell me if it is a good low calorie meal for dinner, I really need opinions ThankYou?

Question by SpongeBobLover4Life: Give me an opinion and tell me if it is a good low calorie meal for dinner, I really need opinions ThankYou?
Okay so for dinner today I tried something new. Sounds Gross but it is soo good! Okay so For dinner I ate A 1 1/2 cup of chopped iceburg lettuce and the sauce I put some Spaghetti Sauce which is like Tomato sauce but you use those sauce for Spaghetti and I crushed up some saltine crackers and it was soo good! I ate 2 bowls! Is that a healthy low calorie meal?

Best answer:

Answer by MYRA C
It’s healthy, low to no carbohydrate, low calorie, and tomato sauce is low in calorie and fat but jarred sauces have about 2% fat and about 4% carbohydrate. The saltines have about 3% fat no cholestorol to speak of but 10% in sodium. Doesn’t sound gross at all but next time you may want to add a little protein, a slice of chicken or perhaps a hard boiled egg or a few shrimp. .
Happy New Year

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  1. david o says:

    Don’t know if it is healthy(not much nutritional value as described) but it sounds horrible!

  2. mother_amethyst says:

    I would add some fresh cut-up veggies to the salad, such as carrots, cucumbers, onion, green beans, green or yellow peppers, and mix in some Romaine or other darker-leaved lettuce.

    I’d add a little bit of white albacore tuna or a chopped hard-boiled egg.

    I’d replace the tomato sauce with the cocktail sauce that you get for shrimp cocktail. it’s fat-free and very tasty.

    I’d also replace your saltines with multi-grain or whole-grain crackers. Rosemary and Olive Oil Triscuit for example.

    As for what you made, it’s low in calories but it’s also low in nutrition. That’s why I suggest adding vegetables, lean protein and whole grains.

  3. just forgiven says:

    sounds interesting……………..it might be low cal…….but it might help to add some protien.

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