


Diet Doc HCG Diet & Weight Loss Announces Lowest Priced Doctor-Supervised Diet in USA

Diet Doc HCG Diet & Weight Loss Announces Lowest Priced Doctor-Supervised Diet in USA

DietDoc – HCG DietDoctors

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) January 16, 2012

Diet Doc HCG Diet & Weight Loss recently conducted a nationwide survey of other doctor-support HCG diets and found that no other doctor offered a modern-day HCG diet with as low of cost as Diet Doc HCG Diet.

Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss conducted a survey of the larger HCG doctor clinics across the USA and found that the Diet Doc HCG Diet & Weight Loss is lower in price, yet offers more services and products in an all-inclusive program that is capable of shaving off 25-30 pounds per month.

Other HCG diet doctors are only using the 1950 Dr. Simeons HCG diet protocol, asking dieters to eat as little as 500 calories per day. The original hCG diet also requires dieters to inject with human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg), a human hormone made by chorionic cells in the fetal part of the placenta during pregnancy reports Ms. Wright. HCG Diet Doctors have nowhere to go to obtain doctor training on a modern day protocol explains Wright.

Diet Doc is the only modern-day version of the original 50 year old Dr. Simeons HCG Diet protocol that all other doctors are using. The reason doctors are using a 50 year old HCG diet, verses modernizing as Diet Doc did a few years ago, is true weight loss doctors require additional training in weight loss. The doctor must understand how each person’s medical condition, daily food intake, age, lifestyle, gender and preferences all play into weight loss. Many doctors simply do not have time for this additional training, nor do they have time to manage each person’s weight loss the way it needs to be done to get the weight off people, fast and safe. This is where Diet Doc leads the weight loss pack as we train doctors across the USA on the Diet Doc HCG diet as it’s the only HCG diet which is Dr. Oz approved.

Diet Doc offers the modern day version of a 50 year old HCG diet and developed 4 other diet programs rolled into one that then personalizes the diet for every person to achieve an average of 1 pound of weight loss per day. Unsure which diet works best, with various fad diets, such as the pink diet, pink method, pink weight loss, dash diet, snooki weight loss, nv weight loss. The list goes on and on. None of these types of diets are doctor supervised and none listed have medical research to support their weight loss claims.

The problem with offering 500 calories per day is this is literal starvation. We frequently have people coming to us on the 500 calories with hair loss, extreme fatigue and hunger, reports Wright. Diet Doc does not support a 500 calorie per day diet, but modernized a 1950 HCG diet into one that is safe, and that rolls 4 medically, supervised weight loss programs into one overall program that is then further personalized for each person taking into consideration their health history, age, gender, lifestyle and preferences reports Dr. Rao, medical director of Diet Doc.

Diet Doc offers one month of prescription medication, one month of weight loss shakes, one month of weight loss cooking/salad dressing oil that is clinically proven to help dieters start burning fat within 30 minutes of consuming, along with the Diet Doc workbook outlining the modern-day version of the Diet Doc HCG diet and a cookbook, plus unlimited nurse, doctor and weight loss consultant support 6 days per week priced low so they can help many, verses a small select few reports Wright.

Diet Doc provides medically, supervised patient care to people across the USA.We provide a collaborative approach to dieting, which is labor intensive, but effective reports Wright. We work with a team of physicians who are passionate about reducing obesity which is often the cause for many diseases and illnesses reports Wright.

*These weight reduction treatments include oral hCG or an injection of hCG–a drug, which has not been approved by the food and drug administration as safe and effective in the treatment of obesity or weight control. There is no substantial evidence that hCG increases weight loss beyond that resulting from caloric restriction, that it causes a more attractive or “normal” distribution of fat, or that it decreases the hunger and discomfort associated with calorie-restrictive diets. Results may vary and cannot be guaranteed. Medical supervision and compliance with our program is required.



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