


Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+

http://www.ted.com To find the path to long life and health, Dan Buettner and team study the world’s “Blue Zones,” communities whose elders live with vim and vigor to record-setting age. At…

My Health http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4E_xP_PRjqrXmfwOyEfxLA?sub_confirmation=1 Quick Recipes http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGugZymE2aF9gxu2UPy2Gvw?sub_confirmation=1 …

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  1. Marcus Scheck says:

    Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+: https://youtu.be/I-jk9ni4XWk

  2. Mike Hendrickson says:

    Something to everyone to consider….live a fully integrated life with
    purpose that pushes you into EKSTASIS!

  3. Marcus Scheck says:

    Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+: http://youtu.be/I-jk9ni4XWk

  4. TheSynergy2012 says:

    What do they drink? What is the content of their water? Low calcium! Low
    level of calcium in your blood is extremely important to blood reaction.
    Body Calcification,meaning that calcium is not removed but rather turned
    into unsolvable substance (due to blood reaction) ends up everywhere in
    your body and speeds up your decline. Out of curiosity find out what
    dissolves calcium and removes it from your body. (right answer-vinegar).
    That is why apple cider vinegar is rightfully is a panacea. But any vinegar
    will do.Apples just taste better. Each day,every day consume it. And
    practice reduced breathing (Buteyko method)which increases your CO2
    levels,activate parasympathetic nervous system and breaks oxygen/hemoglobin
    bond in your blood so it can be delivered to your tissues (Bohr Effect).
    Your blood can be over saturated with oxygen,but your tissues and organs
    chronically starving.

  5. Edible Planet says:

    Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+: http://youtu.be/I-jk9ni4XWk

  6. WCephei77HD says:

    Go vegan!

  7. Molnar Gy says:
  8. TheVariableConstant says:

    He’s on the right track. The true secret to long life includes activity as
    he said, but not just any activity, activity which causes us to look
    forward to doing it again. That is one of the reasons after retirement ppl
    grow old so rapidly.

    The second is belief. Those who believe in their culture, lifestyle etc
    will live longer than those who have no belief system about life.

    The 3rd and well known secret is reduced stress. Stress is not restricted
    to pressure from work. It includes tangible things like posture or eating
    habits or even intangible things like the types of thoughts haboured.

    The body, through the mind, can regenerate every cell and even compensate
    for telomere length shortening.

  9. swedd2 says:

    5:56 Wood ashes!!!!!, they still use wood as a fuel for cooking, wood ashes
    are minerals that are left when the wood is burnt up. Wood ash = Minerals,
    get into the food when cooking, salt is cut with wood ashes and mixed in to
    reduce price, wood ash is also used for gardening, putting left over ashes
    in the soil for crops, crops suck up the minerals, no empty harvest.
    Okinawa’s do the same thing, they also put wood ashes into their rice straw
    noodles which give a yellow color. No mineral deficiencies, very unlikely
    to come upon disease. I would propose Minerals are the main key to
    longevity. 🙂 Learned all this from famed Veterinarian Pathologist
    Researcher and Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Joel Wallach. :)

  10. ali hikal says:


  11. wilmer andrada says:
  12. Adrian Ionescu says:
  13. Greg Dahlen says:

    I believe I have found the best diet. For about six years, I’ve been
    living entirely on fluid milk products, skim milk and cream. Many’s the
    day when I’ve drunk two gallons, or 7.5 liters, of skim milk. I find that
    my weight stays very healthy on this diet, and I feel good because milk is
    very easy to digest and use.

  14. luxor135 says:

    this guy is neglecting the biggest factor attributable to Okinawan’s and
    ALL Japanese people’s longevity: their diet consists of fish. sushi is good
    for you. it’s not the tofu. it’s the fish.

  15. Peter Mangiola RN MSN says:
  16. Oya Şanlı says:

    Dan Buettner: How to live to be 100+: http://youtu.be/I-jk9ni4XWk

  17. joey t says:
  18. Chanpreet Singh says:

    To find the path to long life and health, Dan Buettner and team study the
    world’s “Blue Zones,” communities whose elders live with vim and vigor to
    record-setting age. At TEDxTC, he shares the 9 common diet and lifestyle
    habits that keep them spry past age 100.

  19. Galiana Georgieva says:
  20. John keohane says:

    How to live to be 100! I might never live to 100 but some of the lifestyle
    tips in this video could make for a longer healthier life.

  21. Ivan Bellen says:

    Thanks for sharing! 

  22. Almost Heaven says:

    Living longer by living better, sounds good…

  23. paint9er says:

    have to write a paper on this for english!

  24. Sage Mantis says:

    I think the greatest uplifter of longevity will be a computer assistant
    that is part of your glasses or wristwatch that monitors your health and
    predicts what you need to do to take care of yourself. I need a computer to
    handle to petty shit so I can do the real stuff.

  25. quickrecipes4u says:

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