


Chicken Fajita Salad – Healthy Dinner Recipe

Quick and tasty chicken fajita salad with seared onions and peppers, crisp vegetables and a spicy, low-fat chipotle dressing! Chicken fajita recipe card: htt…

http://sixpackinsanity.com Healthy Six Pack Meal – Delicious Salmon Dinner This is a really tasty and easy to make salmon dinner Its a healthy Meal as well. …

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  1. Quentin Rasidy says:

    If I eat that, about 5 minutes later I’ll be as hungry as hell :/

  2. R Urmi says:

    It’s so sad how some people don’t get simple jokes and others make stupid
    racist jokes that are not even funny.

  3. A. Garcia says:

    I would like to see you come up with a Mexican meat loaf that would be
    awesome with a staple and gravy .

  4. Hilah Cooking says:

    Worcestershire sauce! Full recipe is on my site, linked in the description

  5. shortone108 says:

    Great recipe! I love watching your videos because of the humor you add in

  6. Tania nonya says:

    What do you marinate the chicken in? lime, garlic, and what was the third

  7. Hilah Johnson says:

    It was a joke.

  8. MrToxic212 says:

    Faj I da ?? WTF. Its faheeta

  9. Ahmed Nassar says:

    Blonde + Kitchen = call fire departement

  10. Hilah Johnson says:

    *Sunday Rerun!*

    Chicken Fajita Salad is good and healthy and light. And easy-as-hell.๏ปฟ

  11. Jay del Corro says:

    Hilah is back with an incredible Chicken Fajita Salad that is both
    colourful and tasty as hell. Remember the Oilers!!๏ปฟ

  12. Skyhawk1987Turbo says:

    FaJita LOL Good one

  13. john badcock says:

    what did you maryinate your chicken with?

  14. Adam Bowling says:

    I am getting a weird echo sound with my play back.

  15. Hilah Cooking says:

    ๐Ÿ™‚ I just saw this question, so I’ll answer it on today’s vlog!

  16. Hilah Cooking says:

    Thanks for subscribing! Let me know how you like the recipes!

  17. frrrrrunkis says:

    Hey, I remember the Oilers…Warren Moon, baby!

  18. StowAlex says:

    ~ Looks great ~

  19. William Alvarenga says:

    You Look Like Phoebe from Friends, so cute.

  20. Ro Smith says:

    looks so good!!! I will be trying tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. kadieah lynn says:

    I love this recipe!

  22. Jay del Corro says:

    Lmao. Remember Sue? She used to call you “Hill-ah”.

  23. cindadee says:

    As a new subscriber to your channel, this recipe looks wonderful. Can’t
    wait to make it! This may be something you’ve already heard, but you remind
    me of Lisa Kudrow!

  24. 2424hvl says:

    I have learned so much from you,even though I am a seasoned (ha ha) cook.
    You are an original! Love everything.

  25. Hilah Cooking says:

    Sure would! ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. acmmorrison says:

    Noted: Little bit in man lingo = allot Lol

  27. ConfidentArts says:

    425 farthenheit? Or celcius??

  28. TheAbStand says:

    Salmon is one of my favorite protein sources – very lean and packed with
    protein. Thanks for sharing your meal with us!

  29. Peter Poyter says:

    That’s great! I will do it tonight!!

  30. LUIS HINOJOSA says:

    Thanks Brad!

  31. championdude1 says:

    only problem with this video is you make the food look TOO GOOD!!! ๐Ÿ˜€
    definetly going to try to make this

  32. santosh bhandari says:

    My classmates laughed when I told them I would lose fat with Shape X
    Booster, but then I showed them the results. Go and google Shape X Booster
    to see their reaction.

  33. legolas amarelo says:

    awsome video/recipe subscribed ^^

  34. Brad Scott Fitness says:

    @TheStyleDiet Let me know how you like it. Its delicious

  35. lahertsan bianca says:

    You think that you are incapable of cooking, and you donโ€™t feel confident
    and comfortable enough in the kitchen to prepare tasty meals… Everything
    youโ€™ll need to know is right here… HEALTHYMEALSDIET.HOST56.COM

  36. emmville says:

    num num ๐Ÿ™‚ Love Salmon

  37. jaygee8631 says:

    What oil should we use??

  38. KMarieFernandez says:

    Is this really a healthy meal? That’s a lot of seasoning. I don’t know much
    about healthy meals but is seasoning healthy in a diet meal or no?

  39. preservid says:

    I live on Lemon and Pepper seasoning, My go to diet spice!……

  40. mcderpen says:

    isn’t that a little too much extra olive oil? i only have about 1 table
    spoon of oil in my meals n i feel guilty because i think its too much

  41. Tro Lolo says:

    why is it so hard to open the bottle of olive oil… 6 pack not working?

  42. TheWhiteLotusWolf says:

    I’m on honestly not trying to be sarcastic but is all this really healthy
    for you

  43. Tacitus Bellator says:

    whats the other way ?

  44. Mamonar says:

    Why not bake the potatoes and mushrooms together with the fish? Also using
    real lemon instead of just acid might make it even more healthier. But nice
    meal overall.

  45. Anna Saccone says:

    Ooh yummy I loved this especially since I’m a pescetarian & salmon is my
    favourite fish! Thanks so much for making this vid, going to try this out
    next time we buy salmon! ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. xI2eLuHVaNTx says:

    Why would you feel guilty its healthy for you

  47. emmanuel rivera says:

    Hi, how many ounces was that? i just ate pretty much the same size you did
    by cutting it in half. im feeling guilty feeling ike i over ate

  48. Mario Jones says:

    Good job sir this was a good video! the truth is fresh fish is alot better
    for the body than pre packaged fish, although reality is this is 1,000
    times better than anything fast food or in a can in some ways but always
    remember their is a better way out if you can afford it

  49. Domenic Larosa says:

    Did you eat the skin on the salmon, or did you peel it off?

  50. Shania Douglas says:

    I already told you. before I started eating right it didn’t matter how much
    I exercised my abs were still jello. check it out here ==>

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