


Building Your Meal Plan! Learn How To Calculate Protein, Carb & Fat Daily Intake For Your Goals!

The MEAL PLAN! It seems like this topic has been blown so out of proportion, with so many different “tricks” over the years, that a lot of us just say “whate…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Update Prep Vid 5/22/14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KvL0otFYNI.

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  1. ScottHermanFitness says:

    The MEAL PLAN! It seems like this topic has been blown so out of
    proportion, with so many different “tricks” over the years, that a lot of
    us just say “whatever” when it comes to counting their calories and macros.

    I have broken down the process of how to figure out your daily protein,
    carb & fat intake according to your goals so that, whether you’re a
    beginner or an advanced lifter, you can EASILY determine a starting point
    of what your macro ratios should be in grams / calories for the day.

    It’s the New Year and your meal plan will be the most critical element in
    achieving your fitness goals. Be sure to share this video with your
    friends as you begin your 2014 fitness journey. Nothing better than
    building your meal plan together so that you can share ideas and keep each
    other on track!

    This video will show you EXACTLY how to calculate your daily macronutrient
    intake needs.

    For more information on how to calculate your macronutrient (protein, carb,
    fat) intake or to have a printable version of this video with all the
    calculations, please see the FULL ARTICLE here:

  2. Iris van der Laan says:

    After calculating everything I have the following: protein: 108
    grams/carbs: 206 grams/fat: 38 grams. I want to lose fat so let’s say I
    bring my carb intake down to 75 grams. How much do I need to add in my
    protein and fat intake? Your video was really helpful, this is just the
    only thing I couldn’t come up with :)

  3. BeastlyIXIRage says:

    Final Macros:
    Protein: 192 grams
    Carbs: 359 grams
    Fat: 64 grams

    My goal is to slowly gain weight and muscle around 1 lb per week, my carb
    intake seems too high though according to the chart. Should I cut down the
    carbs and add protein in? Any help would be greatly apreciated

  4. Said Centeno says:

    Hi. You use you body fat percentage. How can I know mine? I hope you can

  5. waalex11 says:

    Aw man… Thank you so much Scott, I really can’t thank you enough with how
    you’ve helped me tremendously.
    I’ve been interested in Fitness since 2012 and failed to understand
    bodybuilding until I had a decent amount of knowledge from 1 year worth of
    youtube’s fitness/bodybuilding channels and sites. And only in 2013 did I
    finally go to a gym which I stayed for 9 months but still had poor gains
    and a not even decent result. Because I never understood how to count my
    calories or macros… And I am so glad that I have searched your video in a
    second today and… finally.
    It was so easy, simple, extremely clear. And thank you for giving us one of
    the best videos ever in the fitness world for us beginners to make this.
    Because it’s tough without courses or a diploma to learn all of this.

    I really can’t thank you enough. Now I can finally get started in a true
    great bodybuilding journey with real gains!
    THANK YOU!!! And thank you for all the amazing how-to exercises videos that
    I’ve always used in the gym.

  6. Søren Herlev Schytt says:

    When I type the numbers in the BMR calculator, should I type my lean weight
    or my fat weight in the weight box/field? 

  7. waalex11 says:

    Is 250cal added to your BMR a gain of 1lb of muscle a week?

  8. r6wheeler says:

    So you don’t recommend eating over 300g of carbs? 

  9. waalex11 says:

    Thank you so much! I feel like I’ve needed this for a decade and hope to
    ascend from a beginner bodybuilder that I have been stuck as for almost 2
    years… it seems very hard without a bodybuilding diploma.

  10. Richard Stroud says:

    Does that mean grams of protein as in a chicken breast weighing 200 grams??
    Then that counting, or like 100 grams of chicken = 20 grams of protein? Can
    someone help:(

  11. Prasad S says:

    What if I wanna do both

  12. Abdul Shakoor says:

    Thank you so much Scott Herman , one of the most helpful vids ever, I
    appreciate it loads.
    P.S. Stay Awesome !

  13. CreativeBangla says:

    Wow nice 

  14. Escalera Royal says:

    First of all this video is so underrated!!!
    thanks scott. I didnt finishing watching the video but this is what i was
    looking for. I ve been working out for 2 months but didnt know what to
    eat/how to lose fat (40LB) and so much reading on the net confused the heck
    out of me. I have subscribd your facebook as well.
    Thanks again

  15. exortor says:

    Very helpful thanks man !

  16. optimal natural bodybuilding fitness says:

    hey scott love your channel man, just wanted to say something i dont agrree
    on, the carbs numbers are different to everyone, some people lose fat of
    300 plus carbs a day, some people gain aot of fat on 300 plus grams of
    carbs a day, everyone is different

  17. swagfordaaays says:

    great vid!

  18. Alex Tîrnovean says:

    Why do you average those two BMR values ? The numbers do seem more accurate
    but I just don’t understand why.

  19. trackboi512 says:

    Eat big Train hard.
    the end

  20. Joakim BM says:

    Nice video.

  21. Sw499erB0iZ says:

    your carb intake thing was confusing…

  22. Matt Drollinger says:

    Question. What’s the benefit to having more calories from fat than calories
    from carbs?

  23. John Park says:

    Hi Scott,

    Great video man, finally a clip I could comprehend…stupid question – can
    you count your carb intake from veggies and fruits as well? The reason i’m
    asking is because I am on the paleo diet which means no grains or lentils.
    I can eat potatoes, but a sweet potato has about 27g, which doesn’t cover
    my goal of 75-100g per day (trying to lose the small sliver of belly fat i
    have). If i can’t count fruits and veggies, and recommendations of other
    carb sources besides the items mentioned above is greatly appreciated.

  24. Angelo Lopez says:

    nvm i went to your site and i calculated it. thanks

  25. Travis Cano says:

    Scott, curious if you can help me. Im 24yrs old, 5′ 7″ at 163 lbs. I had a
    DEXA body scan for body fat percentage and sitting at 18.5% body fat, 126.4
    lbs lean mass, and 6.8 lbs bone mass. I would like to cut my body fat down
    while gaining lean muscle. Would you recommend 2,527 calories daily with
    macros changed to 95g carbs 284g protein and 112g fat? 

  26. Maureen Robinson says:

    Thank you so much for this video. I just finished my meal prepping for the
    week and it only took me a couple hours. It feels really good to have
    everything ready for the entire week and not have to think about it again
    until next week. Thanks for the inspiration.

  27. apachedisco says:

    I got some great ideas from you, thanks for making the video.

  28. Jannique Mosely says:

    I really like this I just did the same thing in my Chanel it was a lot of
    work since I have a family of 3

  29. mikulas025 says:

    I always wanted to try this and this is a great video! My main concearn is
    eating what I have prepared and not eating what I really want (using the
    same ingredients). It does sound time saving but could be rather
    monotonous… I’ll give it a try anyway :)

  30. Deborah Payne says:

    hi, I like the way you prepare your meals…I starting. thanks

  31. Mandy Chani says:

    Do you use dressing on salad

  32. lisa jenkins says:

    Cottage & peaches! does taste good? I’m gonna try it

  33. crazyx3s says:

    To make it more healthy instead of lomain u can use zucchini noodle.use a
    sterelizer to make them into noodles.

  34. Nathanaelle Leonard says:

    I’m not a fan when it comes for me to eat breakfast what may you recommend
    for me to eat in the morning 

  35. wiserommer says:

    Simple yet informative guide 🙂 Question – i noticed you didnt have any
    wheat or rice any reason for this or i properly missed it.

  36. Sylvia Dean says:

    You are one Smart Cookie , I really like this and I will try it , thank you

  37. melissa salisbury says:

    thanks for the video. it was helpful.. you’re stunning.. i’m getting into
    weight loss.

  38. Kira James says:

    Do you freeze everything and microwave it just before you eat or do you
    microwave it in the morning before you leave for work?

  39. kgaryswifey says:

    I never thought of getting canned fruit and rinsing it off- great idea!

  40. PSYCHO*PATH48 says:

    I am a diabetic and your meals sounds like something, I can incorporate in
    my quest to be insulin free. Your vid is great . What is the protein drink
    called? Do you freeze any of your meals. These meals are easy peasy’.

  41. Loretta Blueluv says:

    I see that some of them snacks have a lot of sodium and saturated fat. But
    the meals you cooked are just right for me. Nice video by the way:-)

  42. The Boss Lady says:

    Good Plan, try frozen peaches that way you don’t have to worry about the
    syrup from the canned peaches.

  43. Theresa Atkinson says:

    Great tips and ideas! Thanks for sharing.

  44. isshhyyy says:

    How does it work out in terms of freezing/chilling? e.g do you make them
    one evening and freeze them all? + when do you take them out to thaw?

  45. Demme Frazier says:

    Do you go week to week everyday or do you take a day off??

  46. Mrbaltimore2001 says:

    I’m back at working 6 days a week, have done this in the past. I’m just
    checking out a few videos to see if there is anything else I can make my
    long weeks easier.

    Only advice I could give to folk doing this is fix meals you actually enjoy
    eatting. No point in fixing bake chicken with green beans, and mac and
    cheese if that isn’t one of your favorite meals, because it will easily get
    pushed to the back of the refrigerator. 

  47. Madzia M says:

    good plan .How long does it take to prepare?

  48. ladyevenstar22 says:

    that’s a lot of eating in one day though , is that normal?

  49. mallymal714 says:

    do you freeze your meals or does your chicken last for 6 days in the

  50. 57924hv says:

    Great ideas for meal planning. I like simple :)

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