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Video Rating: 4 / 5

If you come across a great deal on some boxed foods like Betty Crocker Scalloped potatoes etc. here is my method to preserve this food ( it’s a learning jour…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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  1. Yacob Mohamed says:

    Welcome to the comment section. Let me give you a brief description of what
    you will encounter.
    Atheists bashing religions
    Debates on god knows what
    America & Americans are scum
    (Insert country name) should be nuked
    Little kids who shouldn’t be here
    Straight up idiots
    Bob hating on Google+
    There. You’re all set! Don’t get lost and have a safe trip

  2. Daisy Pop says:

    You forgot spam!!! :(

  3. BinkieMcFartnuggets says:

    This is why if there’s ever an apocalypse I’ll just volunteer to be a
    zombie. Brains have to taste better than this shit.

  4. kyle47015 says:

    i had to eat MRE’s it really sucks

  5. Alan Flickinger says:

    The vsauce vids are so awesome. I could sit here for hours just watching
    all the different channels and videos and never get bored

  6. sevan grigoryan says:

    Tho all these food look like they wouldn’t taste as good as most fast food
    restaurants foods, they still are cool if you think about it right?! Can
    last a few years and good for an emergency or if your deserted somewhere
    like military purposes or an apocalypse 

  7. Wensen Zhang says:

    At 2:30, why is there a blank above maple syrup and also above corn starch
    at 2:34?

  8. Phaneron says:

    Bullshit. Both apple and red vinegar have gone mouldy in my pantry (and
    only after a month).

  9. ThePinkMan says:

    How long do vitamins last? I know they lose their potency over time. I’d
    like to find out what perspective preppers have on them. 

  10. teng yang says:

    what about water?

  11. sevan grigoryan says:

    Vsause are one of the awesomest educational Chanel’s in YouTube

  12. Drew Morris says:

    Hey bro you need some help with your lighting. Hit me up Id be glad to
    consult with you for free.

  13. Sexmir says:

    Last year I fasted with two freinds of mine I visited in Central America.
    The dry fasted, mean not eating, drinking nor get in contact with water or
    other liquids. They did it for seven days,

  14. kiwali says:

    hardtack? sounds like soylent green!

  15. POVadventure says:

    I saw a show where the President or CEO or whatever of hostess ate a
    Twinkie that was much older than 25 days. It was a long time ago but I
    think it was around 10 years old.

  16. ju valca says:

    We all should bless food first…’Cause EVERYTHING is contaminated with
    radiation from Fckshima..*[ FAITH! Works! 8]

  17. The Superior Spider-Mew says:

    I ate an MRE once, it didnt really taste so great but it served its

  18. YouthEnergy says:

    Mac n cheese, deviled eggs, snack cakes, apples, salisbury steak, cram,
    sugar bombs..

  19. Wellenwolf says:

    Correction: Honey CAN spoil. SOme sorts at least. The more liquid it
    contains, the easier it spoils. Also the high sugar levels prevent bacteria

  20. The Minecraft Lion says:

    You forgot copy and paste items.
    Like BOB

  21. MrNoone KOokie says:

    I feel sorry for people who never even heard of apocalypse or cares about
    it because it is highly going to happen and it can happen in any way.
    Expect the unexpected people….

  22. Vsauce2 says:

    What will YOU eat after the apocalypse?

  23. Dragon Fiesta says:

    you can make really fun little bombs out of the MRE’s with heating packets
    in them. nothing funnier than macaroni blowing up all over your friend.

  24. Jared Thompson says:

    I didn’t drink water in 2 weeks. I’m invincible.

  25. TNTMAN0_0 says:

    well, I’ve seen a twenty year old MRE and it was still pretty much fresh

  26. Summer Himes says:

    What is the size of the small mylar bag that you were using at first? What
    strength of the oxygen absorber would you use in this bag?

  27. Sherry Lee says:

    Nice video. Don’t forget that if the power goes out you need water to
    prepare those foods. Please, have plenty of ready-to-eat foods in cans
    that do not need heat for water to prepare.

  28. Summer Himes says:

    What is the shelf life of these packaged in mylar bags?

  29. HealthyPrepper says:

    Thanks and always appreciate the tips!!

  30. HealthyPrepper says:

    Gotta love them taters 😉 !!

  31. HealthyPrepper says:

    Smart idea!! Love it 🙂

  32. Bobby C. says:

    For long term storage…wouldn’t single serving sizes be best, unless your
    serving the neighborhood. Excellent idea otherwise.

  33. Kira Baker says:

    You’re awesome! I learn a lot from your videos. Keep em coming!! 😀

  34. HealthyPrepper says:

    Hi Rhonda, thank you for your ind words 🙂 This is what I do when I need
    bags, I go to ebay and search for either ziplock mylar bags or just mylar
    bags and I find lots of vendors with various pricing. I buy depending on
    the quantity I need at the time. If its your first time I recommend buying
    a small batch to see if they fit your needs then if happy go back and order
    bulk 🙂 It’s nice that the ziplock ones are reusable. They really keep food
    fresher much longer and the seals are extra strong 🙂

  35. HealthyPrepper says:

    Thank you! You just made my day!!

  36. Bobby C. says:

    1 gal. Mylar bag. Cut the sealed end. fold in half, place in sealer for a
    heat seal. Now you have to separate pouch’s for single servings. Fill one
    side & seal. Fill other side now you have two servings for whatever amount
    then seal both pockets. Place in vacuum seal bag…& “WA-La” !/! I’ve
    started using yer method of dbl. bagging as well.

  37. Saddle Trail says:

    I use these scalloped and augratin taters all the time. Ive been using
    heavy weight zip locks bags but be changing here pretty soon. Also wanted
    to let you know, Theraflu, name brand, the lemony flavor that you drink for
    a dollar at the Dollar tree!! I bought 10 boxes to stock up on it! Wanted
    to let you know since you’ve been couponing!!

  38. HealthyPrepper says:

    Ideas: Powdered dry milk can be used for this recipe. Any fat will work
    like a little olive oil ( butter of course tastes best :). Also butter can
    be canned to last longer. katzcradul has a good one 🙂

  39. Rebecca Davis says:

    For Sunday dinners we have Pantry Challenges. Each week one person makes
    dinner for everyone using only food from our food storage pantry. My
    daughter made a wonderful potato soup using these potatoes!

  40. HealthyPrepper says:

    Depends on what the circumstances are and who you are feeding and how often
    🙂 Single servings would work in all cases but the cost would be higher due
    to materials.

  41. gourmetgirl69 says:

    Great idea……I would measure out some powdered milk needed and put in
    ziplock bag and pack with it too. May want to measure out how many potato
    slices come in a single pack so that you know how much to use per recipe.
    Thanks for sharing!

  42. HealthyPrepper says:

    That is a fabulous and creative idea!

  43. HealthyPrepper says:

    I love your double pouch idea! Very creative and resourceful Bobby! 🙂

  44. Rhonda Stephens says:

    Where do you get your mylar bags? I live in a very rural area, so I’ve been
    looking online for the deals. And I love your videos! Always so helpful!

  45. vicky Lahman says:

    Wow I was going after some more potatoes and now u have made it easy for

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