


AJ Jacobs: How healthy living nearly killed me

http://www.ted.com For a full year, AJ Jacobs followed every piece of health advice he could — from applying sunscreen by the shotglass to wearing a bicycle…
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  1. youtubeisdeadthankalotgoogle says:

    so dumb, taking a holy book literally is the dumbest thing you can do.

  2. Amir Keyrain says:

    joker speaker, joker speech, joker book ads, really ted?

  3. ThePapiDaddy says:

    Joy seems to play a lot into healthy living and that’s something I’ve
    always thought to be true. If you are truly happy, you probably have lots
    of sources of joy so you “could” be healthier mentally and this should help
    you be healthier physically. 

  4. Kh ris says:

    The only thing I know is that Jack Lalanne live a long healthy life till 96
    years old.

    Clearly the more we know about health and nutrition, the more scared are
    industries and politicians trying to attach us to unhealthy lifestyles.

    Or just like this idiot who only wants to sell us a book telling peoplo
    what they want to hear :/

  5. euphemism5 says:

    I totally understand what he went through. I was cutting myself off from my
    family and friends. I avoided ocial gatherings/dinners as much as I could
    because the food was not “healthy” enough for me. But I was so alone and
    miserable… I only had salad for company most of the time.

    I’m much happier now. I meet up with my friends and family whenever I can,
    and I indulge myself once in awhile. The thing is.. my weight has been
    stable all this while.

  6. A Danielli says:

    This person is an idiot. Clearly has no idea what ‘healthy living’ is

  7. Mikal Røysland says:

    It was norwegian. Not swedish.

  8. Pete Avitable says:

    “dermatologists” are wrong

  9. Lottie Hula Hoops says:

    this sounds a lot more like a person who suffered with a form of extreme
    OCD, healthy living is incredibly different from trying to control & keep
    every single aspect of your life healthy and perfect!! a very bad example
    of healthy living 🙁 

  10. Hentaii Kun says:

    Talking about NOISE POLLUTION, can ALL TED talks on youtube drop the
    ANNOYING intro sound that goes ALL the way up and down?! I have to turn
    down my volume but couldn’t hear what the speaker was talking so I turned
    it up… Guess What!? They have the same Annoying Intro Music at the end!

  11. strangertobluewater says:

    Downarrow me all you want, but I knew before I even wiki’d this guy that he
    grew up in a progressive northeast family, went to fancy private schools,
    and had some sort of useless liberal arts degree.
    There is a difference between intelligence and being pushed through the
    educational system at high levels. This speech demonstrates that point

  12. MICHAEL TAYLOR says:

    lol… oy vey… is this really a ted talks? could have been a vlog post
    for all i know…when someone reads his book can you please let me know

  13. strangertobluewater says:

    Basically everything he did is the opposite of what healthy people would
    do–sunscreen, bacterial wipes? Ugh.

  14. Mike Jenkinson says:

    Love this guy and his writing ideas. Maybe I’ll grow up to be a research
    writer one day.

  15. Jakub Hejduk says:

    #awsome #optymisticfunny

  16. CA Family Medical Center & Urgent Care says:

    Joy is a big part of your overall health… AJ Jacobs: How healthy living
    nearly killed me

  17. I Invoke My First Amendment Rights says:

    If you attempt to listen to all the “experts”, you will become unhealthy,
    will be more likely to hurt yourself, and probably go insane. If you have
    two “experts” who are both recognized as experts on the same topic, what
    happens when one says to do something that is conflicting to what the other

  18. Ian Kay says:

    love him for knocking on bill nobody xD

  19. SRINIVASA Bhat says:

    Funny but true

  20. Lux Chevis says:

    I was like a glazed donut for most of the year…. lol

  21. Surfer Rosa says:

    this guy is a bit cuckoo, but he’s funny. nice vid :)

  22. MinnetonkaChiro says:

    Funny stuff.

  23. MatriXz says:

    Over “healty”-ing can be a terrible idea if you dont like to get sick.. You
    need jerms to train your immune system’s ninja warriors.. Else they will
    only be trained in fighing dunnies, but when a big dinosaur jerm comes,
    they have no idea what to do, so the jerm wins..
    Kinda went totally symbolic there, but you get the point..

    Also eat meat, dont be afraid of meat, just dont OVER EAT, and dont
    supersize your meals..
    Someone in Tedx once said, eat until you are 20% full, then stop because
    the last 20% comes after a few seconds that it takes your brain to recieve
    the “im full” command.. 

  24. Majidah Hashim says:
  25. Piotr Wierciński says:

    intelectual deficiency of this man … , what a shame …

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