


Acne Update! + RANT. Skincare Journal + Does Dairy Cause Acne + High Glycemic Foods

AWESOMEST VIDEO LINKS EVER 😉 Does Dairy Cause Acne? www.youtube.com My Perfect Imperfections Tag + Skin Update: www.youtube.com I Miss You! Video: www.youtube.com Dairy Free Update: www.youtube.com WHY shouldn’t we pick our pimples?? www.youtube.com Vitamins for acne! www.youtube.com Face Primer for Acneic Skin: www.youtube.com My Favorite Indian Foods! What are yours? diamondsandheels14.blogspot.com My Punjabi Lover Bugger! www.youtube.com Acne Scaring Video: www.youtube.com Tazorac Cream Review: www.youtube.com LINKITY LINK LINKS!!! annndd just thought I’d say I LOVE YAA!!! 🙂 Like the facebook page!! www.facebook.com Follow me on twitter!: twitter.com Subscribe To The Youtube Channel!: www.youtube.com Check out and Subscribe to the other youtube channel: www.youtube.com Check Out The Blog!: diamondsandheels14.blogspot.com

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  1. AN0THERSTORY says:

    Omg, i totally love you. 🙂 You are so real,you’re doing this video without any make up on, and thousands of people can see it, and you probably don’t care,becouse it’s You.The real one:) And that’s what i like. You have a gorgeous smile,Super white Teeth,your eyes are amazing,you are a nice and beautiful person! I mean, I don’t care that you have Acne, i like you with it:)

  2. Elena Cruz says:

    im testing this…

  3. Elena Cruz says:

    hi….I have a tip


  4. RaChIeFaU says:

    I never had problem skin as a teen, but about ten years ago(I’m 34) I started breaking out with the nodular cystic acne. Ugh. I hate it. Today, I woke up with two new cysts. That may not seem like a lot, but it’s in addition to what feels like the MILLION other cysts on my face! I wish you the best in your acne clearing journey! Oh and one last thing, CONGRATS on being in Glamour Mag this month!

  5. Dark7Angel77 says:

    Take a look into Youngevity products there are amazing. Nutrition is the real key to health, most of the doctors and all the FDA should be put in prison for the shit they sell. Look into well known doctors such as Ben fuchs. Call into his radio show, he’ll tell you just what you need to get rid of that acne.

  6. Dark7Angel77 says:

    Your actually really cute. If you still having acne problems get off any medication, you got to get on a low gi diet, no dairy, and start taking supplements such as vitamin b5, zinc, saw palmetto, and tons of omega 3 and some 6, you need to get a 2:1 ratio of omega 3 and 6, do that for a few months and your skin will clear up, the dermatologists and BIG PHARMA want you to have acne and get sick, dont use the medications they dont work and the only one that does which is accutane very bad drug.

  7. willingskate says:

    Home remedies for acne given here will cure your acne in 3 days,

    Getacnecure . Com

    Home Remedies for Acne and Treatments to have clear and smooth skin permanently.

  8. graymass1 says:

    Hi well you helped me when I watched your videos cause I have acne like you do but mine is only on my face but I get acne so bad it piles on itself and the scarring put pits in my face. I am glad I watched you foundation application cause now im on my way to purchasewhat you use cause I cant stand my pitted face even shows when I apply make up so I hope your method works on me and if it does i will let you know. Thabk you so much for your videos , they are the best.

  9. Raven Palmer says:

    I get pimples everywhere just like you do! Have you tired egg whites, honey, or avocado facials?

  10. jimmy jim says:

    I would say that acne was tough to me for a while. I think it’s better to have acne early than having it later in life because you can start the treatment earlier. I layered 3 different acne medications probably a year before now. I have no pimple at all now but I’m left with pigmentation spots.

  11. lifeasabubble says:


  12. GoCollectorGo says:

    That was the BEST rant I’ve heard……..because that’s how I feel most days with my breakouts! Feels like a curse for life 🙁

  13. sdjakpa5 says:

    when i saw this i cried, Im a teen and i never had acne. BUt last year i start to get mad pimples in my forehead. Now they all over my face and i have those dark spots. I cant even watch myself at the miror i be crying all the times. I cant even watch people in the face cause i dont want them to laugh at me. I’ll never be the same girl that i was.

  14. kendall miller says:

    i reccomend you trying clean and clear oil removing sheets they are blue sheets and you blot your face the oil comes right off it truly has made my face clear its been clearer than it ever has in my life and i use at least 6 a day thats how oily it is but try those if you havent already and i hope your skin is doing better! i know exactly how you feel trust me.

  15. kendall miller says:

    cassandra you are truly a beatuiful person i had the same exact expericience i actually do understand i never wanted to go to school i cryed and i was just so down all the time because i was humiliated about my face. i couldnt leave my house without trying to cover it all up it was truly awful. what you were saying sounded like me when i had this problem it was honestly one of the worst things ever. i have oily skin also and i went to the dermotologist and i am on a gel and medication

  16. silver5532 says:

    i can really relate with this video. when my friend looks at me, she tells me i shouldnt wear makeup. internally i get really upset and annoyed because she doesnt understand how insecurity relates to acne. but i just smile and say yeah sure.

  17. Queenie Ng says:

    im going through the exact same thing. 🙁 i know how it feels when u have to think about your skin problem 24 hours a day.

  18. horseluv528 says:

    My heart goes out to you<3

  19. SoulTribute17 says:

    My locker partner has it covering ALL over her body. Everywhere. There’s barely an inch of skin anywhere that’s free of it:( She’s only 13

  20. bobobobobob93 says:


  21. Jazmine Nordyke says:

    Guys, break free from your acne doesn’t need to be difficult (I used to think it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Search a natural acne treatment called Acnezilax Secrets (do a google search). Seriously, that treatment has changed my life. I probably shouldn’t even be talking about it because I don’t want a bunch of other folks out there running the same “game” but whatever, I am in a great mood today so I will share the wealth haha.

  22. cheykiddd says:

    24/7 thinking about my face…Sounds about right. I can’t even rest any part of my face on my pillow with the fear that i’ll wake up with cysts..It’s so frustrating. I get it. I really do, My acne started when i was in 7-8th grade and it’s been 5 years of this non-stop roller coaster. I can’t even enjoy my teens, i’m already starting home tutoring, so yay that. ; I have pictures of myself and i look at my face and just feel so bad for MYSELF, i can’t even.

  23. akshay saha says:

    you are actually very pretty….even i hve backne….it wasnt thr till i turned like 19 or 20…:(…

  24. t0nyc0lin says:

    what medication do u use?

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