


Why is the skin under my eyebrows, above my nose and near my ears dry and scaly? Is it a food allergy, celiac?

Question by brian s: Why is the skin under my eyebrows, above my nose and near my ears dry and scaly? Is it a food allergy, celiac?
Is it a food allergy, celiac’s disease, or some form of seb deramatitis?

Best answer:

Answer by Lauren W
It’s definitely hard for people to tell with out seeing what your skin looks like. A dermatologist will be able to tell you, but if I had to guess it sounds like it may be seborrheic dermatitis. I have dry scaly skin in those same areas and that is what my dermatologist told me that I have. In that case there are special creams or ointments that you can apply.

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  1. Moped Mama says:

    well psoriasis eczema is hereditary who else has this? using wrong soap on your face or shampoo is not being rinsed off, celiac is a wheat gluten type diarrhea bloating abdominal issue ? food allergies is possible citric acids strawberry’s can cause a flare up its an autoimmune thing , coal tar is suppose to help? see a DR for allergy testing and or a dermotologist

  2. Naturally Dah'ling says:

    Do you have any other symptoms?
    Are you eating gluten free? When I switched, my skin actually seemed dryer.
    Have you checked the ingredients in your hair and skin products? Maybe switching to something more natural, formulated for sensitive skin may be a good thing to try.
    California Baby comes to mind, they actually have shampoos and creams formulated for eczema prone skin and are gluten free.
    If you are suffering from a gluten sensitivity, you may have a hard time finding a dermatologist who is familiar with celiac and gluten intolerance, so you will want to research your doctors.
    Good luck!

  3. xaargh says:

    It’s impossible to tell over the internet… But you should try using cortisone cream on it. If it’s an allergic dermatitis this should make it better. If it’s a fungal infection, the cortisone will make it worse (or make it seem better at first, but worse later or spread out more…), but at least then you’ll know that it’s an infection so you can get antifungal cream, which should make it go away for good. 🙂 Those are the two most common causes of dry, scaly skin patches.

    Celiac and food allergy should cause other symptoms aside from just the dry skin, so unless you have other symptoms those aren’t nearly as likely as dermatitis.

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