


Why eat healthy if you take a vitamin every day?

Question by E_J: Why eat healthy if you take a vitamin every day?
I understand avoiding foods that are bad for us, but why do we focus on getting all the nutrients from the foods we eat AND take a vitamin? As long as we are eating some fresh foods, does it matter?

Is it better to get the vitamin from the food than a multivitamin and why?

Best answer:

Answer by Rosette
You’re not supposed to use vitamins like that o-o
Vitamins are a replacement for things that we never eat in our daily meals
like for ex: I nvr eat veggies, so i have to take vitamins to replace the loss of it
but just b/c vitamins are a replacement you should still eat healthy they aren’t full/real replacements b/c .. idk you just have to okay ..

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  1. Susan Yarrawonga says:

    It is very hard to get all the nutrients you need from a normal healthy diet so a multivitamin every day is a good supplement.

    Please note that a multivitamin every day can never replace a normal healthy diet and is only a supplement. A junk diet plus a multivitamin every day won’t help you much.

    Vitamins are better absorbed from food than supplements.

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