


What do the glycemic levels in foods that to do with my body?

Question by Asian Muscle: What do the glycemic levels in foods that to do with my body?
What do high glycemic foods do to my body and what do low glycemic foods do to me. and can anyone also give me example of some low-glycemic foods.

Best answer:

Answer by shescrafty
The highest glycemic index food, that I know of, is white bread. Like Wonder bread. High glycemic index foods cause a spike in your insulin production and then a premature drop in blood-sugar, which is quite noticable in some people (some are called hypoglycemic when this occurs). So, you may as well be eating a candy bar, or a piece of cake with icing on top and then ‘crashing’. I’m a little rusty on this topic after studying nutrition in college…I’d recommend contacting a registered dietician in your area (RD) to learn more, or go to eatright.org for more info. from the American Dietetics Association. You might find a link or two there that can help you. Good luck.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

watch this video about what healthy eats and glycemic foods are all about, and pay attention to the low glycemic food items.

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  1. tennisman1954 says:

    Hope this helps:

    gly·ce·mic index (gl-cmk) KEY


    A numerical index given to a carbohydrate-rich food that is based on the average increase in blood glucose levels occurring after the food is eaten.

    From glycemia, presence of glucose in the blood : glyc(o)- + -em(ia) + -ic

    Provided by Houghton Mifflin
    eReference — Download this interactive reference software to your desktop computer

    Sponsored LinksAvoiding Glycemic Foods?
    Try the all-natural Diabetes remedy that’s guaranteed to lower blood sugar by 50 points in just 30 days. Backed by a 1 year 100% satisfaction guarantee. Learn More.
    http://www.micronutra.com Glycemic Index Diet – Free Profile
    Get a free diet profile for the Glycemic Index diet from eDiets. Learn how blood sugar and nutrition can help you lose weight and improve health. Read our review.
    http://www.diets-reviewed.com Everyday Eating for People with Diabetes
    The glycemic index (GI) ranks foods on how they affect our blood sugar level.

  2. brainy guy says:


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