


Top 10 Fruits With Highest Amount Of Protein

Here is a list of fruits highest in protein per 100 gram serving, or 1/2 to 1 cup of fruit. Song by-“Art Now” by Alex (feat. Snowflake) http://ccmixter.org/f…
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  1. StinkyFlyfart says:

    Oh good I love prunes, it’s 1 of those addictions I got where if given a
    package, I can’t stop eating it until it’s all gone so I tend to eat half a
    kilo almost every day without even feeling it! So how much protein is

  2. jet chi says:

    Stay awY from dried fruits full of sugat

  3. Lynn Beers says:


  4. Matthias Janos Tatai says:

    what about bannnanas? 0.o I thought they had lots of protein too

  5. bob pariyar says:

    It would be a shame for you not to bulk up when these normal people are
    able to get ripped so easily using “Smashing Ripped X” (search for it on

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