


Tofu & Kale Sauteed: Vegan High-Protein Meal

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Build Muscle Fast. http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdcp What’s up, It’s Mike Chang and today we are going to be discussing protein sources for vegetarians. Not everyone eats meat and that is…

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  1. robcan says:

    hey ! how often do you eat tofu? what do you think about all the talk
    about soy not being a health food specielly for men?

  2. teddygrahamsss says:

    use organic tofu, no gmos :)

  3. Kelly Itsell says:

    Excellent…I just did the same thing this week for one of my meal
    preps…just used chili powder,curry powder, and pepper for seasoning,
    saute tofu in water, stemaed the kale with some gold beets and did a bit of
    coconut aminos on top with hemp seeds. wicked simple. yes try the coconut
    aminos its really good and way less sodium than liquid aminos…which is of
    course amazing

  4. SpitfireK5054 says:

    I like to marinate the tofu and bake it in the oven. Yum!

  5. Ivan B says:
  6. Drae Parcey says:

    I like that he is not a hater when it comes veganism/plant based/

  7. jagjit bhatia says:

    Can all of you small-brained dolts who are saying garbage about vegetarians
    just shut up? We’re not jerks for choosing not to eat animals. I don’t
    think that meat eaters are bad or anything, but seriously some of you guys
    are so immature. Just because I choose not to tear through the flesh of
    innocent animals with my teeth, doesn’t mean I’m a bad person. 

  8. TheAtheistSocialist says:

    Vegan bodybuilder here. It is totally possible.

  9. Paul Bruce says:

    Mike, thank you SO MUCH for making this video! You didn’t bash vegetarians
    or vegans, you were actually helpful!

  10. Marugeist Nivelo says:


  11. kawaiisamia says:

    Hi Mike im doing a low carb vegetarian diet is there protein foods that are
    low carb im trying to lose weight lentils and beans have a lot of carbs

  12. Ezzio Auditore says:

    You don’t know what you’re talking about. Vegetarian proteins are not
    cmplete proteins. They lack a lot of aminoacids. Yes they have a lot of
    protein, but it wouldn’t work very well.

  13. jagjit bhatia says:

    Seitan actually has around 70-80 grams of protein per 100g, if you make it

  14. AntiPagan da says:

    Two of the best:
    Spirulina: about 70 % complete protein
    Hemp: about 50% complete protein

  15. barry zome says:

    The thing is to try a vegetarin diet for a month to see if you get stronger
    and put on muscle or not get stronger and lose muscle……

  16. OhMyBooda says:

    I feel like 1g per body pound is too much. I eat about 90g per day and I
    weigh 145. also I would not recommend anything with soy due to high levels
    of estrogen. 

  17. Tike_Myson says:

    1gr of protein per body weight – youre meaning by way of pounds or
    kiilograsms? if youre talking pounds, this is still not a conservative
    approach, like a 200 lb person, has to eat 200 gr protein a day which is a
    lot – how can you consume so much protein a day?
    by using protein powders? like eggs contain 6 gr protein at the max, tuna
    can contain 25 gr only
    and btw tofu is crap as well as soy milf as those are GMO

  18. MatthewOceanXVX says:

    Had seitan, black beans,and broccoli just now. 55 grams of protein very
    easily, and that’s just one meal of the day. Being vegan or vegetarian, or
    an omnivore has nothing to do with building muscle. It’s a lifestyle/diet
    choice. As long as no one pushes their views on anyone else, why does it
    matter? Muscle growth is calories in, calories out, and meeting your
    macros, that’s it, period. Protein, is protein. There are many many many
    professional vegan and vegetarian bodybuilders/athletes. Hell, just go to
    Instagram and search “vegan muscle”. It’s strange how clueless and ignorant
    some people still choose to be. No one’s attacking your diet, or your meat
    eating ways. Let’s all just get along, and do it for the gains. Kudos to
    Mike for being understanding of other peoples lifestyle choices.

  19. Toni Blackbird says:

    For all vegetarian haters. Paul Mccartney is 72 years old, and he is in
    better shape and health than you´ll be at 50 years old, and he is
    vegetarian. Just informing you.

  20. AK Smith says:

    It doesn’t matter its not just the protein content of a food, but protein
    quality as well. How concentrated protein source it is, how many of
    essential amino acids it has, in what proportions, and how much of the
    protein is actually absorbed.

    Eggs and milk for example have high protein value, so does tuna. Beef
    medium, yet quinoa, beans and nuts etc have lower protein quality value.
    But beans and legumes are very healthy, have a lot of benefits backed up by
    scientific research, and most importantly they are nutrient dense. Provide
    the necessary fibre too.

  21. dara cunningham says:

    Thanks mike ur the only omnivore with the word vegitarean in the video
    title that was helpful
    and not just full of hate 

  22. Frank Chen says:

    Can someone explain to me the potential estrogen issue with soy products?

  23. CrazyIvan1988 says:

    Vegetarians can have dairy. *facepalm again, mike chang’s mongolian grill*
    Vegan’s are what you are thinking about. Can’t even watch the rest of the
    video after 32 seconds in.

  24. aniket navghare says:

    1 gram of body-weight.. 1 g per pound or 1 g per kg?

  25. kari Gaski says:

    Thanks for sharing your comments

  26. azar209 says:

    The thing about veggie burgers or some types. Is the have quite a high
    amount of sodium. 

  27. paul halliwell says:

    Really helpful video reminded of sources I had forgotten. 1 other source i
    use is cottage cheese. Approx 19g of protein in a 200g serving, 1g fat 10g
    carbs. Oh and quark

  28. jordan taylor says:

    @zeuskumar….wake up you retard!!!

  29. micah kirn says:

    I fully disagree with you about nuts. The fat from nuts is LOADED with
    Omega 6’s. Omega 6’s are highly inflammatory and from my recent research,
    Omega 6 intake in the american diet is 20X our intake of Omega 3’s (the
    anti-inflammatory omega) and is considered to be the leading cause of
    cancer and heart disease. Mistakes vegetarians make is when approaching
    fats, replacing the fats with cooking oils which are even higher in Omega
    6’s, Olive oil, and coconut oil are fine but corn, grapeseed, sunflower are
    the highest. When being vegetarian it is smart to pay attention to portion
    size if your not willing to do your research. I recently decided to add
    Eggs, and fish to my diet but before my diet included, (Quinoa, amaranth,
    sweet potatoes, peppers, mushrooms, olives, greek yogurt, frozen mixed
    fruits, frozen mixed vegetables, chia, flax, tumeric, Braggs liquid aminos
    (soy sauce), himalayan salt, gallon of water, nutritional yeast) Ive gained
    a considerable ammount of mass when I was strictly vegetarian, and have not
    noticed a huge difference since I started to include Eggs and fish. My
    protein intake is about 1/3 g of protein per LB of me.

  30. Gurminder Singh says:

    soya chunks 100g
    56g Protein
    0g fat
    28g complex carbs

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