


Q&A: What are good heathy food choices?

Question by ~Prima Ballerina~: What are good heathy food choices?
I’m trying to be really healthy. So cood someone tell me the kinds of things I should be eating from each food group like breads, meats, fruits, veggies, etc. And tell me how much I should eat a day based on my weight and height which is:
80 pounds, 5ft, 14 years old
And I don’t like tomatoes, peppers, onion, and salad dressing. Thanks everyone!
I want specific foods like apples and stuff. And I just had my yearly physical. I’m fine; I’ve always been quite skinny because I dance

Best answer:

Answer by edgebuddy07
fruits and veggies are good and your underweight go to the doctor

Add your own answer in the comments!

follow the food pyramid daily, get healthy eats for food and get sufficient sunlight or vitamin D and drink lots of spring water or mineral water daily; 40% Carbs, 30% proteins, 30% Fat(good fat)

also visit http://healthyeatsrecipesreview.com

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