


Healthy Meal Prep | Week 4

Click here to SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/1dn24vP BUY ALL 5 WEEKS OF MEAL PREP HERE FOR .99 http://bit.ly/1yLujrI Recipes for this week listed below! Chickpea…

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  1. Mind Over Munch says:

    Great meal prep! Loving the tip on sustainable tuna, and those berry jars
    are adorable! Thanks for sharing!

  2. KellyAnn Kelso says:

    Holy moly this was a fantastic menu for the week. I followed everything to
    a T except the tuna salad, for which I added minced celery, radish and
    apple along with the lemon juice, olive oil and dill. The apple and dill
    are REALLY liking each other so I recommend giving it a go. Probably a
    sweet-tart apple, like pink lady or gala. I used “envy” apples and they are

  3. Rayyan abdulrahaman says:

    i like your meals prep it would be great to show us how heat them up some
    people don’t use microwave, is microwave healthy please answer guys?

  4. Manda BearCat says:

    I love these videos, super helpful. Will you be doing more of them?

  5. The Domestic Geek says:

    This week’s Meal Prep is packed with protein & delicious flavours! 

  6. Eemmy66 says:

    You’re my favorite one i love what you cook you make cooking sooo fun for

  7. multirawfood says:

    love love love your spirit and enthusiasm very good food and

  8. Desha Shah says:

    Sara, your recipes are as simple and amazing as you. Loved the 2nd week
    vegan meal prep. I love vegetables and my husband dosen’t. Would love to
    see recipes where all vegetables are sneaked in. Would really appreciate if
    you can make similar series for people who hate vegetables but are sneakily

  9. Razan Ramadan says:

    I tried the chicken balsamic and it’s amaaaaazing i usually to cook it
    without adding broth or water but it always turned out burned or bitter….
    But adding the broth was the thing i was looking for to softened the taste
    of the balsamic and prevent it from burning…. Thank u for ur tips

  10. Disa Jayswal says:

    Please don’t stop this series!! I absolutely love these videos, they help
    out soooo much! I’ve decided to start doing meal prep because I find myself
    having no time to cook on individual days and just eating out, and for
    trying to loose weight that’s not a good choice. I try to choose smart when
    I eat out, but it’s still eating out and not the same. I’m excited to try
    out these meal preps you’ve created for us, especially the falafel one :D,
    but I would love to see more so that I can get even more ideas for starting
    off 🙂 I used to avoid meal prep because I just didn’t know what to cook in
    abundance that I could enjoy the whole week so these were very helpful.
    Please extend through february or longer?
    Love your videos! <3

  11. Billythachikk says:

    What I really love about your channel is that you explain things so they
    are easy to handle. Like the olives for instance. I just can’t stand the
    taste of them. But because you chose to say “for a salty bite” it lets me
    know that they’re there for the salt, and it makes it easier for me to find
    an alternative.
    Thank you for professional cooking any day! I really appreciate your
    channel :-)

  12. hearsthewater says:

    I realize that deciding whether to add mayo or not is a personal choice,
    but I thought I would share my favorite brand with you. Have you heard of
    “Just Mayo”? It is vegan and non-GMO! Mayo was my last holdout for trying
    to either stop eating foods that were GMO or trying to find a brand that
    wasn’t. I live in a small town in the Midwest and even I could find it in
    my stores!

  13. Lakshmi Praba M Subbiah says:

    You are amazing…..thank you for the sharing.

  14. MicrowaveMeShow says:

    This looks really good, I’m getting hungry from watching this. Speaking of
    eggs, have you ever seen what happens when microwaving an egg? It’s pretty
    cool but takes about 10 minutes to clean up.

  15. Tonya Gordon says:

    Thank you for ANOTHER wonderfully easy meal prep! Seriously, this has been
    so helpful. Also, I didn’t know you could eat zucchini raw! learning new

  16. AnnK H says:

    Better keep the eggs in their shells, they keep longer that way. And always
    rinse quinoa before cooking to get rid of bitter components! Love the menu
    though! 🙂 

  17. Marion Alvarado says:

    I’m a new subscriber! I’ve been trying to eat healthy again, and I came
    across +The Domestic Geek . I watched weeks 1-4 of meal prepping and all
    the recipes seem amazing. I do have a question or two for anyone here. I do
    the My Fitness Pal where you input your meals and it counts your calories.
    If anyone else does this, how do make it easy to calculate all of this? I
    find it already frustrating trying to find something healthy, and even more
    frustrating when you have to do the calculations yourself. Help!

  18. SoJustine says:

    Been wondering how to cook quinoa! Trying to be healthy through
    January…THanks so much for making this!:)

  19. Michael Sowers says:

    I just watched all of your videos, added you on instagram, and have changed
    my mind on short hair on girls. That is a good thing :)

  20. Kit Redmond says:

    These meal preps are the best. Big Thanks.

  21. Myandyourutube says:

    Waiting for this weeks meal prep, it’s Thursday!!

  22. mrswhitelily2000 says:

    like always wonderful and healthy meal, sharing with friends you amazing

  23. Vince D says:

    Awesome video 🙂 I don’t know why, but the Tahini I used made my hummus
    taste yucky 🙁 I’m unsure what to do..haha

  24. Jojo Harrington says:

    Hello Domestic Geek! I had one question about heating your meal preps. Do
    you freeze it or store it in the fridge and then do you reheat them in the
    oven or microwave? Thanks for taking your time to read this 🙂 Love your
    channel also!

  25. danaplatoforever says:

    Ciao cara, ti devo chiedere una cosa riguardo al condimento per l’insalata.
    Dici che si mantiene fino a 5 giorni, ma l’aceto non la cuoce? Aspetto
    notizie! Grazie e un abbraccio. Ilaria.

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