


Get Healthy for Summer! Best Health & Fitness Tips

THUMBS UP FOR MORE HEALTHY VIDEOS!! 🙂 watch my Healthy Summer Treat Ideas! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY33d18foh0&list=UUiL6WwlHv2DCGpKUjWpSXrg *my jou…

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  1. GetFitWJen says:

    great video 🙂 

  2. DancingFashion says:

    +breelovesbeauty Loved the video! Have you heard of the I Quit Sugar
    lifestyle by Sarah Wilson? 

  3. myonlybeauty says:

    So my mom doesn’t let me eat stevia, why is it so much better than say,
    coconut sugar?

  4. bechiclyunique09 says:

    where is your journal from?

  5. Beautyandbraids01 says:

    Girl your arms look awesome!

  6. betheothergirl says:

    I think it’s funny that the main thing you’re criticized on is use of
    stevia. At least if that’s the worst thing you’re doing, you’re probably
    doing pretty good XD

  7. Brianna Davis says:

    IH my goodness!!!!! Cambria!!! This was such a great video!! I can tell you
    put a lot of time and effort into it! And it was amazing! Thank you so

  8. Jessie P says:

    Watching any bree videos just instantly puts me in a good mood and just
    makes me feel so good and motivated

  9. Aquastardreamer says:

    Thanks for not titling this bikini body something or whatever. People
    should want to be healthy, not just look it!!! 

  10. krystal b says:

    i read the title and subconsciously hit the thumbs up button before i even
    watched the video lol. 

  11. jessica1119 says:

    omg this video is legit perfect 

  12. Greta S says:

    Hey Bree! I love your videos, but I just want to say one thing: lemon water
    isn’t particularly good for you, as it strips the enamel off your teeth.
    You should probably stop drinking that – I had to!

  13. Олеся says:

    ты снимаешь классные видео 

  14. Sophie Davies says:

    Is Stevia just a brand of sweetener because I don’t think they sell it in
    England? Also, wouldn’t it be better to just use natural sugar instead of
    something artificial?

  15. Samantha Morris says:

    I love when you make these videos! you have changed my life so much by
    inspiring me to be healthier & more positive! also, where did the get the
    book that you were writing in?

  16. JDurz says:

    woah you go hard on the stevia. That stuff is super bitter if i use too
    much .

  17. SarahKey. says:

    i love you<3

  18. Faizah Hussein says:

    Awesome tips. Thanks.

  19. Hi says:

    This video inspired me so much. You help me feel better and confident.And I
    watch you’re videos everyday and each video makes me feel better about
    myself.And have a healthier life TYSM

  20. Sarah Kaine says:

    Your Chanel is so motivating and inspiring, it just makes me feel happy

  21. Brianna Storck says:

    Stevia… On everything o_o

  22. Naomi Butterflies says:

    You are so inspiring! I love seeing your new videos in my news feed! I
    recommended you to all of my friends! 

  23. Annika Malunardóttir says:

    You are so inspirational and I love your videos, especially the health
    related ones!

  24. Anna Tyson says:

    lol i love how every recipie had stevia 

  25. Colette Jarrell says:

    Ilysm you’re so much help please respond!

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