


Full VEGAN Meal Plan to Lose Weight

Here it is, a Full Vegan Meal Plan for you to lose weight effectively or even to maintain your weight! You can try it even if you are not a vegan. =) As Vega…

Sharon Hoatland and Executive Chef Ben Bird join Jim and Marilyn in-studio to talk about the new seasonal menu at The Gould Hotel in Seneca Falls, the local …

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  1. Judith Pol says:

    PEOPLE! This is not a RAW VEGAN meal plan, so it is not supposed to be high
    carb, low fat (80/10/10 in other words) diet plan. This is JUST vegan plan,
    were everything is proportioned. So stop that “not enough carbs” thing! If
    you are raw vegan, then why the hell are you here? Adjust carb, calorie,
    fat etc. intake accordingly to your lifestyle! It is just as simple as
    that! :)

  2. passionapples01 says:

    THAT IS NOT ENOUGH CALORIES FOR ANYONE!!! You are starving yourself, eat
    more fruit, carb up!!!!

  3. KittehzLuffzYew says:

    Wow. May I first say, I cannot believe you said it’s important for vegans
    to get protein. No such human is low on protein unless if theyre
    EVERYTHING YOU CONSUME HAS PROTEIN. Vegans have no such problem getting
    protein. People who are non vegans, are consuming WAY TOO MUCH protein
    compared to vegans, and thus why it’s a common misconception that vegans
    aren’t getting enough. Secondly, eating a low processed food vegan diet,
    you’re going to lose weight no matter what (unless if you’ve already gotten
    to a healthy weight for your body), so calorie count is not important. AND
    you’re doing if you’re not consuming a lot of calories. And lastly, how can
    you honestly make a video about being vegan, when you’re not even vegan
    (which isnt important but what is…), or the fact that you havent done any
    research on why people go vegan. You didn’t research anything about the
    food industry. If you did, you wouldnt want to be consuming honey. For one,
    honey is bee vomit. Secondly, buying honey does not contribute to saving
    the bees. I know, it’s really hard to believe. Also, honey was NOT made for
    us, it is so hard to digest in the human stomach. And lastly, bees are
    being enslaved for their vomit, and then being killed around winter. Oh
    sure, who gives a fuck about bugs? Who gives a shit about the bees? This
    person is a fucking lunatic, giving a shit about the bees. That’s where
    you’re fucking wrong. This whole idea that one form of life is less than
    another form of life is EXACTLY whats wrong in the world right now. That is
    a living feeling sensible being, and does not deserve this. THERE IS
    ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO NOT GO VEGAN. This is just a small little peak at
    what the food industry is, this is barely anything. If you did your
    research and you did it right (like I (accidentally) did) then you will
    understand that there is no reason… no reason whatsoever… to not go
    vegan. Also, you’re making being vegan look incredibly unappealing. Nobody
    wants to live on oats .-. 

  4. Brien Morris says:

    Oatmeal isn’t a good way to start the day. High carbohydrate foods lead to
    insulin spikes, even if they are complex and slow digesting carbohydrates
    such as those in oats, you will still feel a significant drop in energy and
    will ultimately crave nothing but more carbohydrates (especially sugars).
    I figured out that eating healthy fats and vegetables while refraining
    from grains and high carb foods leave me with no energy depletion and I am
    left very satisfied even after a workout. Conditioning your body to rely
    on fats for a main energy source is a good way to break the carb addiction.
    Protein shakes, nut bars, veggies, and the occasional high carb refeed to
    replenish glycogen stores are a great method for sustained energy and fat

  5. susique333 says:

    Joanna, love your videos. Sad that there is a troll that feel compelled to
    take over your comment section. Keep these videos coming!

  6. Victoria Ruisi says:

    I went vegan a few days ago and I’m having a hard time finding foods that
    are vegan do you have a list or video that i can see to help me?

  7. Marina Diamandis says:

    Hi Joanna! I was just a bit confused to the second meal, which was the
    oatmeal dessert, I tried calculating the calories you listed to the said
    recipe and ended up with a bigger calorie count than what you said would
    per serving, 697 cals + 561 cals + 442 cals + 302 cals + 88 cals = 2 090/9
    = 232 cals and you said per serving would just be 183 cals. So how did this
    happen? Does the calorie count in the ingredients the recipe contained
    changed when it was cooked? Can you please enlighten me with this? Much
    love <3

  8. IllustrationSia says:

    Why is everything about protein,… And why is it so important to keep your
    carbs so low? I am pretty sure it is more important to have a higher carb
    intake rather than protein…

  9. nana nao says:

    +Joanna Soh How many pieces should I eat of the energy bar each day? And
    can I replace the Chickpeas with Soybeans?

  10. Laura Verriest says:

    Hi Joanna, I’m a big fan of your videos and what you do 🙂 I made your
    peanut butter energy bars on the weekend – they are delicious! I love maple
    syrup and allowing these kinds of food into my diet is such a mood booster
    as lots of diets forbid them!
    They are also a great alternative to store-bought bars – the other day I
    bought a flapjack, took it back to my office and was horrified when I
    turned it over and it had more than 400cals in it! Won’t be doing that
    again … Thanks for spreading the love and your food fitness knowledge.
    Big hug!! x

  11. myzzio says:

    oyster sauce is not vegan

  12. vailet101 says:

    I just made energy bars. Delicious :)

  13. Youngmi Choi says:

    you can make hummus with soy yogurt, chickpeas, and quinoa. 🙂 

  14. joyariffic says:

    i dont like peanut butter what can i use instead for the energy bars?

  15. sabrina spellman says:

    joanna thank you so much for preworkout smoothie

  16. iLadymiss06 says:

    You should not take in any caffeine when you’re vegan, it prevents
    absorption of important nutrients. (that’s what I heard)

  17. LaurensDesigns says:

    Thank or the videos, I love your style and advce. XOXO L

  18. Diamond Johnson says:

    Such good recipes but I’m pretty sure Oysters arnt vegan. Also, is it true
    soy is bad for u? 

  19. Davrainbow says:

    I love the video and I hate to point this out but honey is not Vegan. Maple
    syrup is, though. Agave nectar is plant based and I’m sure that would also
    work 🙂 Thank you for the great recipe ideas! 

  20. Nishu Jalotia says:

    Joanna make some more videos on vegan recipes please! =)

  21. Ingrid Avalos says:


  22. ella2223 says:

    is vegan oyster sauce?

  23. Cold World says:

    Research how maple syrup is made, nothing “natural” about it. It’s quite a
    process so it’s actually a “processed” food. I use raw dates to sweeten
    more “natural”. Please get real with that Vegan non sense with your honey!
    If you were actually a “Vegan” you would never consider stealing honey from
    the Bee’s they didn’t make it for you now did they…

  24. Elizabeth Jessop says:

    the caffeine doesn’t boost your metabolism, it’s a neurotoxin so you
    produce adrenaline to pump it out of your body which is the boost you feel.
    almond milk before a workout isn’t a good idea because it gives you
    lipidemia and you want clean, sugary blood before workout. bananas and
    dates would be a better choice. look up 30 bananas a day or you will never
    survive as a vegan. the protein thing isn’t that important just eat whole
    foods 80/10/10 is fine unless you lift heavy weights then 60/20/20
    (carbs/protein/fat). 1300 calories a day is not sufficient and neither were
    the quantities of fruit and veg. as long as you stick to 80/10/10 the
    excess carbs will be burned by thermogenesis. I know I wouldn’t be able to
    triathlon train burning min 1000 kcal a day on this meal plan which makes
    it unsustainable so they will look to more calorie dense animal products.
    it’s not about calories in, calories out as your body utilises them in
    different ways. more fruit! less fat. fat is to build mass and so is
    protein (you recycle it) carbs maintain it. Eat more to live more. I’m not
    overweight and I bet anyone £1000 I can swim/bike faster and longer
    distance than someone on this plan

  25. Isla Mealmaker says:

    Please do not waste your time andmoney and efforts on weight losspills or
    lotions since their effects if any are simply just temporary.

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