


Can you tell if a food is Low GI just from looking at the packaging?

Question by : Can you tell if a food is Low GI just from looking at the packaging?
Other than products that promote Low GI, how can I tell if what I’m eating fits into my diet?

Best answer:

Answer by buckeyebonbon
You can buy books that state what foods are high, low and medium GI. They won’t state that on a food label (yet). My guess though, would be if the label states that it has many sugars or carbohydrates in it, it probably is high GI. Also, when you eat high GI foods, if you combine them with protein or fats, the GI level comes down. For example, if you eat a large baked potato by itself, it is a high GI food. But if you eat that same potato with a steak or other meat, the GI of the potato comes down significantly.

It’s kinda tricky and you have to do your homework on it. If your diabetic, there are books that have GI index. If your trying to lose weight on a low GI diet, there are also books that are for that.

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