


Best Superfoods & Vitamins at a Health Food Store to Thrive on a Raw Vegan Diet

John from http://www.okraw.com/ goes on a field trip to Pure Health Foods in Las Vegas to share with you the best vitamins and superfoods you may need on a r…
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  1. ranja456 says:

    If you are looking to burn off fat quickly, you should look up on google
    Nifty Fat Blaster. They will help you get the body you deserve.

  2. matriktube says:

    Great video , John ! Chlorella contains also DHA

  3. josebachata says:

    cool info ..does Pure Health have location store in Connecticut ??

  4. Chris Bartley says:

    I can’t get over him saying suppmints. so cute

  5. SOFIA nav says:

    Hey Jonh, Love your skin regimen <3 and could you please explain what would
    be your supplement of choice for cooked vegans and hormones issues?

  6. Max Power says:

    Thanks for the video John!

  7. KLC8158 says:

    This was so helpful, and everything I wanted to know! I was especially
    interested in which B Vitamins, Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 you would
    recommend, as I had just about decided I should start taking these but was
    at a loss as to which brand might be the best. Also, I had never heard of
    The Cure is in the Cause but it looks interesting and I’m going to check it
    out. Many thanks for this informative tour!

  8. dianefranzen says:

    Thanks for the information. When I go to a health food store I get confused
    on what is best. I am on a limited budget and cannot experiment with many

  9. NivitaUSA says:

    Love it! I hope to visit Las Vegas with my son pretty soon and I’m
    definitely visiting this store. Thanks John!

  10. sickreads says:

    great video john, as a former natural bodybuilder i consumed tons of supps
    in the past. ive found what works best for me is a rotating diet of
    nutrient dense plants, veggies, fruits, nuts, and some grass fed meats. I
    supplement with trace minerals and rotate a few diff sea green powders. off
    all the chemicals and feeling amazing. thanks for all the info.

  11. justfront1n says:

    John, I live in the UK and we get a lot of root vegetables, like beetroot,
    Cauliflower, cabbage, Squashes and potatoes. Ok I can juice some of these
    but what can I do with potatoes?

  12. Flirri says:

    Ooo, a recommendation of a health aware book by a Yugoslavian author. Will
    def check that out.

  13. Loki Royal says:

    I think something else worth mentioning on the vitamin D front is the use
    of sunscreens. I’ve read before that vitamin D deficiency wasn’t really a
    thing until sunscreen came in. Of course you’ve got to reccaliberate that a
    bit for the world’s workforce becoming more office bound over the last
    century too – but if you’re eating fresh, high water content foods and
    drinking enough, your need for sunscreen will drop dramatically and you can
    access that sweet, sweet sun! 🙂

  14. okraw says:

    Im not a fan of dairy, when I eat it, it causes a mucus reaction. I believe
    dairy is not necessary to be healthy (and is probably not healthy based on
    research I have seen). One of the sad things that most people do not know
    is that while yogurt is promoted as having beneficial bacteria, due to the
    pasturization and/or processing of commercialy produced yogurt, the actual
    benefit may be minimal based on my research.

  15. Henrik Petersson says:

    I used to dismiss protein powders as well. But even though I on paper get
    more than enough protein from my food I started to feel a lot better when I
    added half a serving sprouted rice protein to my morning smoothies. I
    didn’t think I would feel much difference, but it certainly improved my
    energy levels and made me a bit more stable. The Sunwarrior protein is
    kinda nasty with stevia and additives though. Taste like those meal
    replacements. I like Sprout Livings Protein, it’s much cleaner.

  16. pesto12601 says:

    Hey Monkeybutt – you don’t eat dairy… but eat yogurt…. LOL… moron who?

  17. Rune Solli says:

    which one do you use? link or name? thx! 🙂

  18. Jesse Villalobos says:

    himalayan pink salt, and bamboo salts. Both high in minerals.

  19. pessimystical1 says:

    Thanks for the tour! I don’t live in LV, but *any* health/nutrition store
    can be a labrynth of questionable products and exaggerated claims. It
    really helps to have a knowledgeable person sort things out for us.

  20. xerxes1358 says:

    5 dislikes, who dislikes these videos and why ??

  21. okraw says:

    B12 patch

  22. okraw says:

    I always recommend doing the best you can. Even “acid rain” or toxins in
    the air float onto the food I grow in my garden. I like to look at things
    as good, better, best. Its best to grow seaweed in a controlled enviorment
    (farming) and eat it. Of course for most people, in my opinion its far
    better to eat some seaweed to get some trace minerals than not. Im not
    saying eat them in MASS quantity but some here and there. Its best to grow
    your own food in TRACE MINERALS to get them.

  23. casaaprile says:

    Jk ftw

  24. TheHotredchilipepper says:

    yeah but b12 is not absorbed well by most so injections is the way, thats
    what i have opted for, just to make sure

  25. Nutrition Database says:

    You seem to know quite a bit, but you mentioned “Vitamin B17”, which isn’t
    a vitamin at all. “Vitamin B17” is a toxin and was named a super
    anti-cancer agent by quacks. Why do you support this?

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